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偵測行李傳送帶和爆炸物偵測系統(EDS)機器上的輸送機是否堵塞。可對高速長距離輸送到精確目的地的大量行李進行管理。避免地面車輛、飛機和其他匆忙穿過停機坪的車輛之間發生碰撞。世界各地的機場都與 Banner 合作,以簡化日常持續複雜的操作。
IIoT optimizes airport baggage handling for advanced cost-effective operations: real-time conveyor monitoring, vibration analysis, and efficient motor tracking.
了解更多A manager in charge of installing a baggage handling conveyor sought a light to indicate start, jam, and reset conditions with different colors and animations.
了解更多The project manager at an international airport sought a solution that would provide clear indication at the entrances of moving walkways to ensure a steady flow of traffic.
了解更多MSP International Airport installed Banner Q5X sensors with Jam Detection in its passenger-facing baggage carousel in Terminal 1. This laser technology with high excess gain helps to prevent stacked luggage in the retreival system by detecting the presence of luggage within a specific distance of the top of the carousel, which then automatically stops the infeed conveyor until the area is clear again.
了解更多Radar sensors help ground crews avoid equipment collisions with airplanes.
了解更多Avoid jet bridge-to-aircraft collisions with T30R Radar Sensor and LED Indicator system, enhancing safety and efficiency in busy airports.