Complex baggage handling systems have hundreds of sets of e-stops and safety switches, each with multiple wires. In-Series Diagnostics minimizes cabling and troubleshooting time and cost.
A manager in charge of installing a baggage handling conveyor sought a light to indicate start, jam, and reset conditions with different colors and animations.
The project manager at an international airport sought a solution that would provide clear indication at the entrances of moving walkways to ensure a steady flow of traffic.
Preventing Jams in Airport Baggage Retrieval Systems
MSP International Airport installed Banner Q5X sensors with Jam Detection in its passenger-facing baggage carousel in Terminal 1. This laser technology with high excess gain helps to prevent stacked luggage in the retreival system by detecting the presence of luggage within a specific distance of the top of the carousel, which then automatically stops the infeed conveyor until the area is clear again.