Delivering Pinpoint Diagnostic Information to Robotic Sortation Systems



Featured Products

  • In-Series Diagnostics

    In-Series Diagnostics

    In-Series Diagnostics (ISD) makes it easy to troubleshoot machine safety systems, prevent faults from occurring, and reduce downtime.

  • RFID Safety Switches

    SI-RF RFID Safety Switches

    SI-RF Series safety switches utilize RFID technology to monitor doors, gates, and other mechanical safeguards. They will send a signal to the machine control system to prevent or stop hazardous situations when the guard is not in the proper position.

  • Emergency Stop and Stop Controls

    Emergency Stop and Stop Controls

    Emergency stop devices, or E-stops, give workers a way to stop a device by pushing a button or pulling a rope to prevent injury to personnel and material.

  • SC10 Series Safety Controller / Relay Hybrid

    SC10 Series Safety Controller / Relay Hybrid

    Replaces the functionality of two safety relay modules with one compact, cost-effective device. Supports up to 10 inputs, 4 convertible inputs, and 2 dual channel 6 Amp relay outputs.

  • XS26 Series Expandable Safety Controllers

    XS26 Series Expandable Safety Controllers

    The XS26 is expandable for complex safety applications where 3 or more safety relays are typically used. Five different communication protocols are available, including EtherCAT (via communication module). Supports up to 154 safe inputs and up to 68 safe outputs using expansion modules.

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