Q3X Versatile, Rugged Laser Contrast Sensor


Introducing Banner’s Q3X, the versatile, rugged, laser contrast sensor.

With a fast 250 microsecond response speed, detection ranges up to 300 mm, bipolar PNP and NPN outputs, and superior ambient light immunity, the Q3X can solve even the most challenging contrast based part detection applications.

Some models are available with fixed background suppression, allowing for contrast detection in a fixed range while ignoring a background.

The angled three-digit LED display is viewable from multiple vantage points, and provides clear-real time signal strength feedback to the user.

The bright yellow LED output indicator provides high visibility of the sensor operation from 360°.

Using the two tactile pushbuttons, the Q3X’s teach and adjustment procedure is simple and intuitive.

The display guides operators through powerful teach methods,  allows light operate and dark operate selection, and reveals a comprehensive range of advanced setup parameters including delay timers, response speeds, remote input,  and display options.

The nickel-plated zinc housing with laser marked sensor information is durable and robust, making it able to withstand mechanical impact, high-pressure wash-down, over tightening, and extreme vibration. 

With the Q3X's small yet rugged design and powerful combination of features, it is the perfect sensor for a wide range of applications including registration mark detection, hole detection, error proofing and more.

The new Q3X by Banner, ready for your next challenging application.

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