Intelligent Mail Industrial Barcode Reading

Intelligent Mail Industrial Bar Code Reading Image

Application: Reading barcodes on pieces of mail

Challenges: Different pieces of mail are combined into one job

Solution: Banner Engineering's iVu BCR

Benefits: Capable of quickly reading a variety of barcodes and provide instant feedback to operators

As a way to save on postage costs, many mailing and catalog houses use the Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB) on their mailers to combine separate job runs, or to presort mail.


IMB technology combines the capabilities of POSTNET and PLANET Code barcodes into one unique barcode to enable end-to-end visibility in the mail stream.

The iVu BCR is used in these mail applications to help direct mailers from multiple smaller runs as they are combined into larger ones.

Because the iVu BCR has an integrated or remotely connected display, it provides instant feedback to staff monitoring the process as to how the sensor is working on the production line.

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