Flap Detection on Packaged Frozen Dinners

Flap Detection on Packaged Frozen Dinners with QS18LD sensor Image

Application: Detecting open flaps on packaged dinners to ensure they are sealed correctly

Challenges: Confined space inside carton assembling machine

Solution: QS18LD sensor

Benefits: Small, compact, and rugged

In the food industry, frozen meals go through a step by step checking process on the manufacturing line to ensure they are correctly packaged before shipment. The cartons have a glossy surface, and it can be challenging to find a sensor that will easily detect glossy surfaces and alert operators if the carton flap is open, even if it is just open slightly.

Open Flap Detection, Glossy Cartons

The QS18LD laser diffuse sensor scans across the top of the package to see if any flaps are open. The laser diffuse sensor provides accurate detection to verify whether the frozen packages are sealed properly.

The rugged QS18LD is ideal on a food manufacturing line as it can easily fit into tight spaces while still providing highly reliable sensing. The laser sensor provides more precision than a standard sensor because it can be lined up very closely to the carton, so even when the flap is just slightly open it will be detected by the laser.

Banner’s QS18LD has a visible class 1 laser, meaning it is safe under all conditions, for diffuse sensing with narrow effective beam patterns that provide excellent small-object detection and precise position control. The laser diffuse sensor has excellent optical performance for reliable sensing even at a close range. The product is also easily mounted with a 18 mm threaded barrel mount or side-mount options.

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