Detecting a Line of Adhesive on a Vehicle Door Panel

Detecting a Line of Adhesive on a Vehicle Door Panel


During the assembly of a vehicle door, a track of heavy-duty adhesive is applied along the perimeter of the outer panel. The outer and inner panels are then joined together by an industrial press. If an insufficient amount of adhesive is applied in any area, the panels will not adhere correctly. If an excessive amount of adhesive is applied, it may burst through the seams, requiring cleanup and potentially coming into contact with adjacent components.


A VE Series Smart Camera, configured to use the bead tool, inspects each door panel for the presence and consistency of adhesive. The camera has a wide field of view and a 2 MP imager capable of detecting even slight inconsistencies in the amount of adhesive applied. 

Banner’s Vision Manager Software simplifies setup and management. This free image processing software provides the operator with powerful inspection tools, easy access to real-time inspection data and an intuitive user interface with a graphical display of the inspection area. The software emulator enables offline development and troubleshooting of applications. 

The graphical user interface allows operators to view each inspection, identifying and diagnosing application issues. Tracks of adhesive passing inspection will appear green. Tracks with excess adhesive will appear blue, while tracks with an insufficient amount of adhesive will appear red. Runtime editing allows the operator to update an inspection while the sensor is in operation, reducing the downtime and hassle associated with stopping and restarting inspections.

The camera supports Ethernet/IP, Modbus TCP and PROFINET industrial protocols to facilitate integration with existing factory equipment. It is protected by a rugged metal housing and is deployed with an optional lens cover with a borosilicate glass window for further protection from area hazards.

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