Shuttle Tote Positioning

Shuttle Tote Positioning Image


As today’s material handling processes become even faster with smaller lots, requirements to avoid damage increase with capacity. In order to ensure products remain undamaged, crash zones need to be detected and avoided. A solution is needed to ensure products stays in place while moving throughout the facility.


The Q20 WORLD-BEAM Polarized Retro sensors are mounted on the rails of the multishuttles, to confirm that product stays within the safety zone and confirms a product is positioned correctly to avoid hanging off the “safe zone.”

Q20 sensors are cost effective and accurately detect presence and placement, making them ideal for a warehouse environment. The compact size and ease of installation make the Q20 a robust product for these applications.

The Q20 sensors have a distance range up to 4 m and the sensor functionality of noise immunity and cross-talk avoidance allows the operator to test the system before use.

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