Submersible Pressure Sensor (Liquid Level)

Pressure Sensor

Submersible pressure sensors measure hydrostatic pressure to determine the level of liquids in large tanks and outdoor storage reservoirs.  Resting on the bottom of a tank or reservoir, the sensor provides an analog output that is proportional to the depth of the liquid being measured.  The caged design of this sensor protects the measuring cell and prevents clogging while acting as a weight to secure the sensor to the bottom of the tank or reservoir.  Enables real-time, easy to deploy liquid level measurement for wastewater, slurry, sump, reservoir, and bulk storage tank applications.

  • 0 to 15 PSI(G) (34.6 ft. of water)
  • Vented cable with flying leads
  • 10V DC to 33V DC
  • Output 4 to 20mA
  • 316 stainless steel housing
Remote I/O
Monitoring Retention Pond Levels
Monitoring Retention Pond Levels

Large facilities may have several runoff ponds in widely distributed locations. Using a wireless monitoring system eliminates the need for someone to drive out to each pond to monitor water levels.

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    Submersible Gauge Pressure Sensor
    0-15 PSIG Range; 2.5 in cage
    60 ft cable

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