DXM Programming and Configuration Examples
These DXM configuration files provide basic functions to the DXM Wireless Controller which enable the user to try out simple tasks, including a starter configuration file that has several examples of functions and operational aspects of the DXM.
Sample Starter Configuration Files
Emailing DXM Log Files
Sending Text Messages From one DXM to Another
Sample Timers for DXM1X0-BX Models Configuration Files
Sample Tank Level Configuration for DXM1X0-BX Models
Reading External Devices with Scriptbasic
Real Time Clock (RTC) Push Interval
Map a Temperature Input to a Current Output
Calculating the Heat Index with a Scriptbasic Program
Send Text Alerts and Commands from the DXM
Mapping Many Inputs to One Output (DXM)
Monitoring Device Health (MH)
Using Bit-Packed Radios with a DXM Controller
Reading in Power Information
Using Modbus Commands to Unlatch an Input
Conducting a Site Survey Using IO 15 Commands
Using a Vibration Sensor to Determine if an Asset is Running
Monitoring Node Health (Performance)