
Banner Engineering's 30 mm-mount illuminated emergency stop push button meets worldwide safety standards. 

Key Benefits

  • Bright red flashing LEDs alert operators that an e-stop has been pushed
  • Easy to install and hook up with no assembly, individual wiring, or additional enclosures required
  • Easy visual identification of armed button, pushed button, or system status
  • Rated up to IP69K with washdown cover.

Also available with non-illuminated black base. 


Discuss Your Application with a Safety Expert

Contact a Banner engineer to learn more about how an emergency stop button could help solve your safety challenge. 

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About Banner Engineering

Founded in 1966, Banner Engineering is a global company and a globally recognized leader in the field of process and industrial automation. Our sensors and vision sensors, LED lights and indicators, wireless and safety products are used by companies large and small, from industry leaders in the Fortune 500 to innovators just entering the market. 

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