Banner Blog

NEMA and IP Ratings: How to Understand Them and Choose the Right Sensor

Stainless steel Q4X photoelectric sensor sprayed with high-pressure water

What is an IP rating?

IP Enclosure Ratings

What is a NEMA rating?

Comparing IP Ratings vs NEMA Ratings

Why do some Banner sensors have both IP and NEMA ratings?

Are only enclosures given IP and NEMA ratings?

Who determines what rating an enclosure has?

Which should I use, NEMA or IP?

A high-mounted T30R series radar sensor measuring the fill level of grain in a dusty hopper below

Understanding the IP68 Rating

Why do IP68 products differ so much between manufacturers?

How long will my IP68 sensor function while underwater?

Is my IP68 sensor protected from corrosion?

How does Banner test for IP68?

A high-mounted T30R series radar sensor detecting a car’s position inside a hot, steamy, wet car wash

Understanding the IP69K Rating

Does the IP69K rating mean that the sensor has met IP67 and IP68 as well?

Will an IP69K sensor function after being blasted by water jets?

Is IP69K the only high-pressure washdown rating available?

A QT50R radar sensor mounted on a pier, monitoring ships entering the harbor while waves crash around

More about NEMA and IP Ratings

Do NEMA and IP ratings take temperature into account?

Are there IP ratings for hazardous locations?

Choosing Your Sensor

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