Vision Sensor to Read QR Codes

Vision Sensor to Read QR Codes Image

iVu Plus BCR Gen 2 with 25 mm Micro Lens collects data from dense, difficult-to-read QR codes on vehicle transmissions. A WL50S high-intensity LED spot light illuminates the target area.

Customer Requirements: Easy, reliable scanning of QR codes on vehicle transmissions

Solution: iVu Plus BCR Gen 2 with 25 mm Micro Lens and WL50S high-intensity LED spot light

Why Banner? Integrated Touch Screen – Intuitive user interface guided device setup and operation

Flexibility – Sensor adapted to a range of available lens options to provide the image resolution necessary for the application

Customer Benefits

Process Efficiency – Reliable, automated data collection from difficult to read QR codes improved assembly times and staff availability 


An auto manufacturing plant annually produces vehicles numbering in the hundreds of thousands. To expedite production at this level, many vehicle components are stamped with a QR code. Information contained in the codes guides assembly and differentiates unique parts. This facilitates the manufacture of multiple vehicle models in a single location and simplifies tracking for quality control purposes. 


Prior to installation, engines and transmissions are coupled together on the assembly line. A worker using a hand held barcode reader scans the QR code on each transmission. The codes are small, have minimal quiet zones and are dense with embedded information. Additionally, the barcode readers have a limited range. Combined, these factors made scanning the QR codes difficult, adding time to the assembly process and diverting labor resources. 


Banner representatives visiting the facility installed an iVu Plus BCR Gen 2 barcode reader 51 cm from the target on the conveyor rail. A number of lens options were tested before a 25 mm Micro Lens was selected. This lengthened the working distance of the sensor, providing the resolution needed to read each QR code. A WL50S LED spot light was installed alongside the iVu Plus BCR Gen 2. This provided highly concentrated, even illumination at the target with no shadows.

Getting started was easy. The iVu Plus BCR Gen 2 features an integrated touch screen, requiring no PC to operate. The intuitive user interface provides guidance through setup and configuration and allows access to the sensor’s advanced capabilities.

The manufacturer deployed the Banner solution on each assembly line in their plant. The implementation of a reliable, automated scanning solution allowed workers to focus on vehicle assembly and resulted in improved build times. 

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