跟踪和追溯解決方案依賴於對整個供應鏈中單個產品的可靠自動識別—最常見的是在從生產到購買的每個階段掃描條形碼。 跟踪和追溯解決方案的可靠性取決於掃描代碼的設備,因此選擇可靠的識別技術至關重要。
Banner Engineering 的識別設備穩定、堅固耐用且功能強大,可以滿足最嚴苛的應用。 我們的條碼閱讀器易於使用且經久耐用,可實現製造商在未來幾年內可以信賴的跟踪和追溯程序。
Banner Engineering 提供全系列工業一維和二維條碼閱讀器,支援多種代碼,包括 DataMatrix (ECC 200) 條碼、QR 碼(QR 和 Micro QR)和線性條碼:Code128、Code39、CODABAR、Interleaved 2 of 5、EAN13、EAN8、UPCE、Postnet、IMB、Pharmacode、PDF-417 等。

Featured Application | ABR 條碼讀取器
讀取多個一維和二維條碼Barcode position can change with the location of each box on a conveyor and the height of the boxes can vary. An ABR 7000 barcode reader decodes multiple 1D and 2D barcodes over a large area in a single inspection, regardless of position or orientation.
Featured Application | ABR 條碼讀取器
透過包裝跟踪產品Barcodes used to track packaged produce through the supply chain contain important product information that must be verified at multiple points during packaging. An ABR 3000 barcode reader ensures that the barcode on each package is present and correct.
Featured Application | ABR 條碼讀取器
讀取汽車零部件上的 DPM 條碼Direct part mark (DPM) codes can be small, complex, and difficult to distinguish from the material they are etched into.
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