Dynamic Status Indication

Clearly Communicate Advanced Statuses

Indicator lights have long been the visual language of machines. However, traditional indicators are limited—typically offering 3-5 colors to represent a wide range of statuses. Sometimes this palette isn’t enough to capture the complexities of modern machines and processes.

Programmable RGB indicators let you choose from a wider variety of colors and change them as needed. Many RGB indicators also come with pre-defined animations and advanced functions to expand indication possibilities and represent active machine statuses.

Why All the Colors and Animations?

Indicators and safety solutions on workstations
Add Nuance to the Visual Language of Machines

Get More Insight at a Glance


Dynamic statuses are machine or process conditions that are often challenging to convey with a traditional solid color or flashing light.  Examples include machine warmup state, transitional states, takt time remaining, fill level, and more.

Advanced indication requires a broader spectrum of color options. More colors allow each status or assembly step to have a unique indication from other steps, eliminating confusion and speeding up interpretation of the signals. 

Additional colors and animations also communicate advanced states visually and intuitively for operators and supervisors alike.  They add nuance to the visual language of your machines, conveying more status information at a glance compared to traditional indicators.

Keep reading to learn more about indication solutions for dynamic machine statuses, or contact us to discuss your specific application. 

Example Applications

Programmable touch buttons on a machine
More Colors and Animations, Greater Possibilities

Use Case: Machine Startup and Transition States

  • Many machines have a “warm-up” period after being turned on before the machine is ready to go. 
  • With traditional indication, an indicator light might be off when the machine is off and then turn green when the machine is turned on. This can be confusing to an operator if the light is green, but the machine is still warming up.
  • An indicator with a 2-color rotating animation mimics the “loading” icons used in PC environments and can indicate that the machine is working but not ready to start the next process. 
  • The animation can then turn to a solid light when the machine is ready to go. The operator then can easily identify the state of the machine. 
  • Operators can also spend warm-up time on other productive activities versus just waiting.
K50 touch button used for takt time monitoring at an assembly station
Clearer Visual Feedback for Assembly Processes

Use Case: Takt Time Indication

  • Programmable LED touch buttons can be used to indicate takt time in assembly processes. This dynamic, visual feedback can help keep an assembler on track and aware of how much time has elapsed without having to look away from work.
  • Takt time is important to manufacturers because it represents the rate of production that is needed to match demand and maximize profits.
  • Sequence mode is included with IO-Link models and can be used as a timer. The bright LED lights are easy-to-see and installed directly in an assembler's sightlines for increased efficiency and less distraction from the task at hand.
K50 touch button used for takt time monitoring at an assembly station
TL50 tower light with IO-Link used to indicate fill level of a hopper
Visualization of Dynamic Statuses From A Distance

Use Case: Tank Level Monitoring

  • Operators, material handlers, and supervisors need to see the level of product in the hopper.  However, local displays are not visible throughout the factory.
  • The TL50 Pro tower light shows fill level through distinct, color-coded segments, and is visible from across the factory floor so operators can quickly respond to high or low-level alerts.
  • The IO-Link master directly converts the laser measurement into an easy to understand fill level based on user-defined thresholds.
  • Personnel can see the fill level status from a distance.  In the event of an alert, the staff can identify whether the level is too high or too low, so they are immediately prepared to respond to the situation.
Featured Products

K50 Pro indicator
K50 Pro Series

Programmable Multicolor Indicator

萬用型可程式化的 50 mm 圓頂或是平面式燈殼 指示燈提供更加均勻、更加明亮的狀態指示

  • K50 Pro 系列可以對燈色、閃爍模式、亮度進行客製化控制,以及進階的動畫例如單色旋轉、閃頻、雙色顯示、雙色旋轉、以及雙色閃爍模式。
  • 支援Pro Editor 型號可以讓使用者自行挑選預先定義的顏色以及自訂指示燈,不用透過IO-Link通訊功能。
  • 支援 IO-Link通訊 的型號可提供幾近無限可能性的客製化功能。
  • 對較少的可 現場客製化型號實現標準化,從而節省成本和庫存需求
  • 採用堅固耐用的 IP66、IP67 以及 IP69K 聚碳酸酯外殼 
  • 接線方式簡單,可以快速的完成各項產品設定,節省時間以及成本
  • 選配的蜂鳴器能提供清楚、響亮的警報音通知
K50 Pro touch button
K50 Pro Touch Series

Programmable Multicolor Touch Button

K50 Pro touch buttons combine proven touch technology and ruggedness with the added versatility of RGB LEDs.

  • Bright LED indicators combined with touch-activated switching capabilities
  • Rugged IP67 and IP69K construction for high-pressure washdown environments
  • Ergonomic design requires no physical pressure to operate and eases stress on the hands and wrists
  • IO-Link models have full Pro capabilities managed dynamically by the master, plus individual LED control for full status customization
  • Sequence mode is included on IO-Link models and can be used to indicate level, takt time, and more
K50 Pro touch button
TL50 Pro tower light

TL50 Pro Series with IO-Link

Programmable Tower Light

多功能的一體式塔燈,提供使用者幾乎沒有限制的自定義選項,包括廣括的燈色組合,透過 IO-Link 通訊能夠即時的控制RGB LED切換不同燈色。

  • 堅固耐用、高性價比、易於安裝
  • 參數與製程資料能夠提供快速且完整的功能控制
  • IO-Link 通訊能提供工作人員完全的控制功能,包含燈色、閃爍模式、指示燈旋轉以及進階的動畫模式
  • 高亮度,工作人員一眼就能清楚看到目前狀態以及指示訊號
  • 能夠支援多達 10 層燈層或是選擇具備蜂鳴器型號
  • 蜂鳴器提供有標準型、密封型、或全向型的蜂鳴器選項
