Counting Dropping Parts with an LX Sensor

Counting Dropping Parts with an LX Sensor Image

Application: Counting hardware as it's being packaged

Challenges: Small hardware that moves at a high speed

Solution: LX Series Small and Flat Object Detection sensor

Benefits: High sensitivity for very small objects and a fast response time

In the assembly industry there are many small parts that need to be sorted and counted. It can be difficult to detect items as small as 5.6 mm in diameter. A solution is needed that can accurately count various small parts.


Banner Engineering's LX series part-sensing light screen generates a multi-beam infrared pattern that can detect any item passing through the beams, enabling exceptional sensitivity to small objects. As small parts drop from the feeder bowl into the plastic bag, the LX sensor detects each part and triggers the line to advance when the bag contains the specified number of parts.

It has a .8 to 3.2 millisecond response time for fast-paced counting and the output of the receiver includes a 5-millisecond pulse stretcher (OFF-delay) to improve count accuracy.

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