Order Fulfillment with Pick-to-Light

boxes on a conveyor

Improve Customer Satisfaction with Fast, Accurate Order Fulfillment

Order fulfillment refers to the process of receiving, processing, and delivering orders to end customers.  A critical step in this process is ensuring that orders are picked from the shelves correctly and efficiently.

Quick, accurate picking increases customer satisfaction by ensuring that customers receive the correct item(s) on time.  Banner Engineering offers a variety of light-guided picking solutions to match your application.

Order Fulfillment Challenges

warehouse with shelving and boxes
Many Orders, High Mix, and Little Margin for Error

Getting the Right Order On Time Has Never Been More Challenging, or More Critical

In the age when almost anything can be delivered directly to a customer's doorstep, reliable order fulfillment systems are a must.   Customers expect their orders to be correct and be delivered quickly—sometimes in as little as a few hours.   

Fulfilling large volumes of orders quickly, especially with a high mix of inventory and little margin for error, can be extremely challenging.  Fully manual processes are prone to human error; however, light-guided order picking is a cost-effective solution that helps workers quickly and accurately identify the correct order. 

Pick-to-Light Solutions for Order Fulfillment

pick to light devices on a rack of bins
Enable Fast Picking from Large Racks and Shelves

Choose a Versatile, Scalable Solution

  • For larger scale applications, a pick-to-light solution must feature fast response speeds to accommodate many pick points without lags.
  • The new PTL110 pick-to-light devices from Banner are powered by PICK-IQ™, a purpose-built, Modbus compatible serial bus protocol that uses a Common ID to reduce the typical latency that results from polling multiple devices. 
  • A fast response speed at scale is ideal for fulfillment stations that require many pick points while maintaining a rapid pace to exceed productivity targets.
pallets lined up against a wall
Ensure Shelves are Properly Stocked

Put-To-Light Solutions Reduce Errors Downstream

  • Picking activities are only effective if the right inventory is in place and ready to be picked.
  • Because of this, fulfillment centers require an efficient method for putting inventory on the shelves so that orders will be easily accessible during fulfillment. 
  • Put-to-light solutions improve the efficiency and accuracy of stocking activities and can help prevent downtime by reducing delays due to misplaced or incorrect orders.


pallets lined up against a wall
bins in racks
Shelving with boxes and pick to light devices
Improve Accuracy with Real-Time Pick Verification

Optical Sensors Verify Pick Accuracy

  • Pick-to-light devices with optical sensing capabilities can be used to check picks for accuracy in real time.
  • These devices detect when a hand reaches into a shelf to pick a package and breaks the sensing beam or array. 
  • When picks are executed correctly, yellow LEDs confirm that the operator picked from the right location on the shelf.  
  • If the operator reaches into an incorrect shelf, a light turns red indicating an error. 
Featured Products

PTL110 pick to light device
PTL110 Series

Scalable, Versatile Pick-To-Light Devices

PTL110 多功能拾取指示燈,提供觸控按鈕,光學式感測器, 以及三位數的顯示螢幕,將多個裝置串接後可以建構一個功能強大的拾取指示系統。 具備反應快速以及多種安裝選項的特性,PTL110 系列提供了拾取料件,組裝以及相關的應用一個快速,高生產力,以及高品質的解決方案。 

  • 提供光學式以及觸控按鈕觸發的型號。
  • 部分型號 具備三位數的顯示螢幕,可以顯示計數的數量或提供其他的指示。 
  • M12 快速接頭可以快速安全的將多個裝置安裝起來,無須額外的線材。
  • 指示燈提供 14 色以及多種動畫模式,可以區分不同的狀況。
  • 透過 PICK-IQ™功能,實用的Modbus 序列通訊,使用 Common ID 可以減少多裝置輪詢所造成的延遲。
  • 可以搭配DXM700 無線控制器,應用在購物車或是移動取料設備上。
K50 Pro Series Pick to light device
K50 Pro Series

Pick-to-Light Devices

K50 Pro Series Pick to light device
K30 Series

Pick-to-Light Devices

K30 Touch 系列是 K50 Touch 的精巧版本,它結合了明亮的指示燈與固態輸出的觸控功能。 

  • 按鈕符合人體工學的設計,無須施加物理性壓力,避免對手部及手腕造成負擔。
  • 用手指觸摸即可完成簡單的操作
  • 徒手或戴手套均可輕鬆啟動
  • 採用堅固、完全密封的 IP69K 外殼結構,可用於高壓沖洗環境。
  • 適用於各種產業中的拾取指示燈和呼叫按鈕應用
  • 可提供單色和雙色型號,用於解決廣泛的應用難題
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