Equipment Monitoring from a Supervisor's Station

Supervisor's Station Image

Application: Communicate machine status information to other devices

Challenges: Real-time data collection from multiple machines on a busy factory floor

Solution: Wireless TL70 Tower Lights and a DXM100 Wireless Controller

Benefits: High-visibility local indication, reliable Sure Cross® wireless network 


Real-time monitoring of machine status allows supervisors to address any issues as they arise, minimizing machine downtime and potentially resolving small issues before they become big problems. Providing clear indication of status at a machine is a necessary requirement. Communicating that status information from a machine to other devices makes it possible for personnel to monitor multiple machines on a factory floor from a convenient location.


The TL70 wireless tower light combines high visibility indication with wireless communication, ideal for this type of application. The extremely bright display of the TL70 provides at-a-glance status indication, enabling staff to easily identify the condition of a machine on the floor. Wireless communication connects the light to other devices without the time and expense associated with lengthy cable runs.

To disseminate machine status, or any additional information from the inputs, the TL70 communicates with a DXM100 wireless controller. The DXM100 distributes this information to any of a range of devices located throughout the facility, including a master light at the supervisor’s station or other indicator lights, a PLC or HMI, a laptop or a device installed on mobile equipment, and it can alert supervisors via text message or email. Critical status information is sent to where it is needed, allowing staff to respond quickly and appropriately.

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