A machinery company needed a sensor able to consistently detect clear PET bottles at multiple points.
Universal housing design with 18 mm threaded lens an ideal replacement for hundreds of other sensor styles
The QS18 Expert Sensor offers advanced sensing with single push-button programming and several sensing modes and configuration options.
Models with IO-Link communication for simplified wiring, installation, preventative maintenance, and sensor backup.
The QS18 Adjustable-Field Sensor is ideal for background and foreground suppression. The sensor is available in long-range models for sensing up to 300 mm.
The QS18 Laser Sensor has a narrow visible beam spot for easy alignment and small object detection.
The QS18 Universal Voltage Sensor operates on ac or dc voltage and has several sensing models available, making it an ideal sensor for many manufacturing environments.
A machinery company needed a sensor able to consistently detect clear PET bottles at multiple points.
WORLD-BEAM QS18通用電壓感測器沿著輸送帶安裝,以偵測通過的棧板是否存及其位置。這些感測器可以連接到交流或直流電源上,讓它們可用在已使用交流電源的大型輸送帶上,不需要另外供電。除了通用電壓外,該感測器還有廣受歡迎的18mm圓柱造型、多種安裝選項,以及堅固的IP67外殼,可耐受惡劣環境。在單個感測器中有多個電源和安裝選項,可以在生產線上快速輕鬆改裝。
A solution was needed to better indicate a variety of complex statuses coming from a labeling machine. Banner's CL50 Pro column lights are an effective way to provide at-a-glance status indication.
With a narrow beam that projects a small bright spot, the QS18LLP laser, polarized, retro-reflective sensors provide precise position control when triggering various devices. In this application, the QS18LLP is able to correctly detect the glossy carton as it travels down the conveyor—without proxing—and trigger the ink jet printer to print the date/lot code on the carton. The second sensor triggers the P4 OMNI to inspect the date/lot code and verify it is legible and correct.
在注射器通過輸送帶時,具有背景消除功能的WORLD-BEAM QS18偵測各個針筒,并將資訊傳遞給一個計數設備。
Sensor solutions to detect reflective food wrappers such as Mylar with conveyor belt presence verification, utilizing foreground suppression.
Banner’s WORLD-BEAM QS18LP laser sensor accurately inspects every carton that passes on the conveyor, ensuring the robot is triggered to load cartons into the package. With a visible laser sensing beam, the QS18LP provides precise position control, which is ideal to ensure accurate counting of cartons at a close range. The rugged QS18LP is also ideal for confined spaces and is easily set up along a conveyor for accurate sensing. With highly bright LEDs, operating status is visible from 360⁰.
Sensor solutions to detect translucent bottles in a range of shapes, sizes, colors and contours in a high-speed air conveyance system, identifying gaps.
WORLD-BEAM QS18通用電壓感測器可以連接到交流或直流電源,這使得它們可以在已經使用交流電源的大型輸送帶應用中運行,而不需要單獨的電源。堅固,精巧的外殼和多種安裝選項增加了WORLD-BEAM QS18通用電壓感測器的多用性。
WORLD-BEAM QS18可調現場背景消除感測器是零部件就位應用的理想選擇,它需要三英寸的掃描距離。憑藉高增益特性、敏銳的可調截止值和寬大的可見紅燈光束的組合,該感測器確保了在這種惡劣環境下具有較長壽命。
在這個例子中,精密加工的螺栓從送料機中剛剛出來,並沿著進料器軌道移動,輸送到下一個自動化步驟。當螺栓沿著軌道移動時,WORLD-BEAM QS18偵測螺栓,並向檢測感測器(iVu影像感測器)發送觸發訊號。設定iVu,以檢測法蘭中的缺陷、螺栓頭的不規則形狀或可能存在的其他缺陷。
Detecting clear and reflective objects are some of the most challenging sensor applications. Light can burn through a target or be reflected away erratically, making accurate detection difficult.
This video covers using a potentiometer to set the sensitivity on a QS18 All-Purpose Photoelectric Sensor from Banner Engineering.
This video covers the light set and dark set modes for the QS18 Expert Photoelectric Sensors from Banner Engineering.
This video covers the window set mode for the QS18 Expert Photoelectric Sensors from Banner Engineering.
This video covers the dynamic teach mode for the QS18 Expert Photoelectric Sensors from Banner Engineering.
This video guides you through the key features of our sensors and helps determine which sensor within our photoelectric portfolio is best for a specific application.
憑藉 Banner 智慧感測器解決方案可解決更多應用,進而降低庫存成本,並有助於避免預期外的停機時間。
專家同軸透明物體檢測感測器 - 可靠地檢測透明、半透明或不透明的物體 - 同軸光學元件能從感測器表面可靠地偵測目標物,絕無死角 - 簡單的單次按動,教導設定範圍為0到3公尺。