Q2X 系列微型感測器
Q2X 是新一代微型光電感測器。Q2X 尺寸輕巧,堅固耐用,非常適合安裝在非常精密的機械和狹小的工業空間中。
- 微型的感測器可以適應狹窄的安裝空間
- 精確可靠偵測小部件位置
- 採用靈活設計,具有經過驗證的安裝和連接選項
- 小型高可見度紅色 LED 或 1 級雷射發射端(僅限可調距離型號)
- 提高對節能燈的抗干擾性
- 防光互擾演算法能避免相鄰的兩個感測器被彼此的感測光束所干擾
PLC Support Files
Application Notes
Reduce False Jam Detections
The Q2X Series Miniature Sensor is used on packaging conveyors to avoid jams.
Dark Wafer Presence Detection
Adjustable-field Q2X sensors use high excess gain to detect the presence of dark wafers on conveyors.
Streamline Labeling Process with a Fixed-Field Sensor
A miniature Q2X fixed-field sensor can be fitted onto the labeling machine’s tamp head to sense targets at a fixed distance.
Accurate Positioning in Medical & Scientific Laboratories
The miniature Q2X LPF is a polarized retroreflective sensor small enough to fit inside many types of machines that cannot accommodate larger sensors.
Choosing A Banner Photoelectric Sensor
This video guides you through the key features of our sensors and helps determine which sensor within our photoelectric portfolio is best for a specific application.
Choose Your Q2X Series Miniature Sensors
An overview of the different types of Q2X Series Miniature Sensors.
How-To Guide for Q2X Laser Measurement Sensor with Push Button
This short video covers the basics of programming the Q2X Laser Measurement Sensor from Banner Engineering.
How-To Guide for Q2X Laser Measurement Sensor with Push Button
This short video covers the basics of programming the Q2X Laser Measurement Sensor from Banner Engineering.