iVu BCR乙太網路圖片
iVu BCR遠端螢幕圖片
iVu BCR乙太網路遠端螢幕影圖片


iVu BCR提供進階的條碼讀取功能,可在精巧、堅固的外殼中提供進階的製程可追溯性解決方案,提供整合觸控螢幕或遠端觸控螢幕,便於設定和監測。它還有乙太網路通訊還能儲存多組檢測,可快速更換生產產品。

  • 無需外部個人電腦配置或操作感測器
  • 乙太網和RS232通訊
  • 可儲存多組檢測工具
  • 軟體模擬器離線設定iVu Plus
  • 堅固的IP67外殼(感測器)
  • 配有2.7英寸液晶(320 x 240)整合或3.5英寸液晶(320 x 240)遠端觸控螢幕
  • 內建環燈 - 紅色、藍色、綠色、白色或紅外線
  • 符合USB 2.0標準的主機,便於更新和診斷
  • 讀取各種條碼類型,包括:DataMatrix(ECC 200)、線性條碼、Code 128、Code 39、Codabar、Interleaved 2 of 5、EAN 13、EAN 8、UPC-E、POSTNET、IMB和Pharmacode



Before shipping to the brand assembler, a supplier of auto visors needs to verify that Data Matrix UV barcodes have been printed on each visor’s safety label. The customer turned to Banner to read invisible 2D Data Matrix barcode and send data via Ethernet IP to a PLC for traceability/error proofing.


Banner 的 iVu BCR 具有外接顯示螢幕,提供易於讀取條碼使用的解決方案,以確保生產使用標籤的正確性。iVu BCR 型號提供精細畫素模式(用於讀取需要完整解析度的小型條碼)及粗略畫素模式(適合高速要求的應用)。


具有旋轉範圍檢測功能的 iVu BCR 系列條碼閱讀器可讀取醫療產品包裝上的條碼,並驗證包裝是否正確對齊以進行熱封。


提供內建 UV 環燈的 iVu BCR, 適合在低對比度的情況下偵測條碼,提供理想的解決方案。iVu內建UV燈源,提供一體化的解決方案,增加透明標籤條碼的對比度,條碼讀取更穩定。


停止生產線上機器人以設定條碼檢查工具會造成生產線停止,背後的成本昂貴。具有遠端顯示熒幕的 iVu BCR 條碼閱讀器可以安裝在距感測器最遠 16 米(50 英尺)的地方,以便在機器人運行時進行遠端監控和故障排除。


iVu BCR感測器安裝在包含醫療資訊插頁的盒裝藥瓶的輸送帶上方8-12英寸處。iVu BCR工業條形碼掃描器讀取插頁上的資料矩陣代碼,以驗證其匹配包裝線上的產品。當包含不正確的插頁或沒有插頁的盒子移動通過iVu BCR檢測區域時,iVu檢測到此故障條件,並向生產線發送輸出警示。

視覺感測器讀取 QR 碼
視覺感測器讀取 QR 碼

iVu Plus BCR Gen 2 with 25 mm Micro Lens replaces hand held barcode readers to collect data from dense, difficult-to-read QR codes on vehicle transmissions. A WL50S high-intensity LED spot light illuminates the target area.






IP Rating

  • (1)
  • (42)

Device Type

  • (42)
  • (1)

Primary Housing Material

  • (42)
  • (1)

Lens (mm)

  • (2)
  • (4)
  • (6)
  • (8)
  • (11)
  • (4)
  • (6)


  • (4)
  • (1)
  • (9)
  • (8)
  • (13)
  • (1)
  • (7)

Camera Housing Size (HxWxL mm)

  • (42)
  • (1)

Image Resolution

  • (42)

Feature: Washdown Rated

  • (42)

Imager Type

  • (41)

Feature: PC Interface

  • (42)

Touchscreen Display

  • (18)
  • (24)


  • (42)


  • (42)


  • (42)


  • (42)


  • (42)
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  1. RDM35

    logo with r symbol

    Machine-Mountable Remote Display iVu
    3.5 in Diagonal with M12 Connector
    Used with all iVu Remote Sensors

  2. IVU2PTBR25

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 25 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  3. IVU2PRBW08

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    White Ring Light and 8 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  4. IVU2PTBR12

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 12 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  5. IVU2PRBR08

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 8 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  6. IVU2PRBR12

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 12 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  7. IVU2PTBW12

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    White Ring Light and 12 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  8. IVU2PRB612

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    UV 365 Ring Light and 12 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  9. IVU2PRBB06

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    Blue Ring Light and 6 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  10. IVU2PRBB12

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    Blue Ring Light and 12 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  11. IVU2PRBB25

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    Blue Ring Light and 25 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  12. IVU2PRBI06

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    IR Ring Light and 6 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  13. IVU2PRBI08

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    IR Ring Light and 8 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  14. IVU2PRBI12

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    IR Ring Light and 12 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  15. IVU2PRBI16

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    IR Ring Light and 16 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  16. IVU2PRBI25

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    IR Ring Light and 25 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  17. IVU2PRBR04

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 4.3 mm Lens
    Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
    Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional

  18. IVU2PRBR06

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 6 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  19. IVU2PRBR16

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 16 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  20. IVU2PRBR25

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 25 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  21. IVU2PRBW06

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    White Ring Light and 6 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  22. IVU2PRBW12

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    White Ring Light and 12 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  23. IVU2PRBW25

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    White Ring Light and 25 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  24. IVU2PRBX04

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    No Light and 4.3 mm Lens
    Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
    Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional

  25. IVU2PRBX08

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    No Light and 8 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  26. IVU2PRBX12

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    No Light and 12 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional


    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
    For C-Mount Lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  28. IVU2PTB-808142

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 8 mm Lens
    Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
    Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional

  29. IVU2PTBB12

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    Blue Ring Light and 12 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  30. IVU2PTBG12

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    Green Ring Light and 12 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  31. IVU2PTBI06

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    IR Ring Light and 6 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  32. IVU2PTBI08

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    IR Ring Light and 8 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  33. IVU2PTBI16

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    IR Ring Light and 16 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  34. IVU2PTBI25

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    IR Ring Light and 25 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  35. IVU2PTBR04

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 4.3 mm Lens
    Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
    Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional

  36. IVU2PTBR06

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 6 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  37. IVU2PTBR08

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 8 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  38. IVU2PTBR16

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    Red Ring Light and 16 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  39. IVU2PTBW04

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    White Ring Light and 4.3 mm Lens
    Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
    Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional

  40. IVU2PTBW08

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    White Ring Light and 8 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  41. IVU2PTBX08

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    No Light and 8 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional

  42. IVU2PTBX12

    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    No Light and 12 mm lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional


    logo with r symbol

    iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
    For C-Mount Lens
    Requires power cordset and bracket
    Ethernet and USB cordset optional
