
  • LC15T 系列

    LC15T 直線式觸控開關

    LC15T 直線式觸控開關是密封的電容式觸控開關,可與多種 DC 設備連接以進行開啟/關閉和 PWM 控制。

  • 機械開關


    適用於 DC 供電的任務燈、指示燈或塔燈,Banner 的機械開關包括直線式按鈕開關、運動探測器和 PWM 控制器。

LED Controllers

  • LC25 LED Controller

    LC25 LED Controller

    LC25 LED controllers give users access to dynamic control and advanced animations.


  • Rechargeable Power Supplies

    Rechargeable Power Supplies

    The DBRQ Rechargeable Demo Box is a 24 V DC rechargeable power supply and test device for use with sensors, touch buttons, push buttons, indicators, and task lights.

  • Outlet Plug Power Supplies

    Outlet Plug Power Supplies

    Banner Engineering offers a wide selection of Outlet Plug power supplies.


  • Washdown Covers

    Washdown Covers

    Banner’s washdown covers add greater protection to 50 mm and 90 mm indicators without compromising device performance or visibility.

Lighting Accessories

Choosing the best accessories adds versatility to application solutions. Banner offers a wide selection of switches and power supplies for simple installation and optimal performance.
