IP69K是Ingress Protection等級規格的最高級別,代表著可嚴防液態和固態雜質滲漏到工業裝置中。在惡劣的環境中,具有較高IP防護等級的產品勝過容易受損並產生錯誤讀數的標準感測器。
所以在沖洗和無菌環境中安裝適合的產品,是有必要的。Banner Engineering提供多種IP69K防護等級產品,可耐受潮濕環境和沖洗環境帶來的困難應用。 Banner的IP69K防護等級感測器有各種外殼款式和尺寸,在不犧牲品質的情況下,滿足惡劣沖洗環境的要求。 此外,明亮持久的照明和指示燈可提供堅固的設計,不需要額外的保護蓋。
IP69K Product Videos
![Washdown Cover for Emergency Stop Buttons [Video]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/projects/video-thumbnails/E-Stop_Cover_Video_Thumbnail-new.psd/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
Washdown Cover for Emergency Stop Buttons [Video]
Banner Engineering 提升產品等級,防護等級達到IP69K及Type 4X,全新設計外殼可耐高壓沖洗,提高E-Stop按鈕適合的應用方案。它提供額外的設備操作保護,防止設備環境危害,同時不會影響到設備啟動或可視範圍。產品外殼是由透明的FDA等級矽膠製成,經UL和ECOLAB雙重認證。它可以預安裝套件的形式提供,快速進行安裝,或作為獨立產品販售,也非常適用於改善現有安裝的E-Stop按鈕。
![Q4X High-Pressure Washdown [Video]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/3d-renders/product-renders/q4x/Q4X_washdown2.psd/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
Q4X High-Pressure Washdown [Video]
Banner 堅固耐用的多功能Q4X雷射距離式感測器有IP69K的等級,可用於潮濕和高壓的沖洗環境。對於以高壓高溫的熱水及化學清潔劑沖洗設備及機器的應用,IP69K等級至為重要。
![LS Safety Light Curtain with IP69K Hygienic Enclosure [Video]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/video/video-thumbnails/products/ez-screen-ls-ip69k-hygienic-thumbnail.PNG/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
LS Safety Light Curtain with IP69K Hygienic Enclosure
LS safety light curtains are available with an IP69K hygienic enclosure that resists high-pressure, high-temperature washdown and aggressive chemical cleaning. They are ideal for use in food, beverage, and pharmaceutical applications where maintaining sanitary conditions is critical.
T18-2 系列堅固耐用、耐沖洗感測器,為嚴苛的應用環境而生
T18-2 系列堅固耐用、耐沖洗感測器,為嚴苛的應用環境而生
T18-2 系列感測器是新一代的一體式光電感測器。各方面都大幅強化,能夠適應頻繁沖洗的環境以及食品飲料業的應用環境中的各種震動。
WLS27 防碎裂 LED 工作燈適用於嚴苛的應用環境
WLS27 防碎裂 LED 工作燈適用於嚴苛的應用環境
完整密封於防碎裂且抗化學的外殼中。防護等級 IP69K 可用於沖洗環境。 多色型號同時結合了照明以及指示的功能。
LS 系列重載型 Type 4 型
LS 系列重載型 Type 4 型
直觀、簡單易用的安全光幕有多種型號提供,解析度為 23 mm,採用全功能設計,無使用盲區。提供在 70 mm IP69 外殼設計(可選配備密封型保護機殼防止水氣凝結),提供 280 至 1050 mm 的 7 個定義區域高度。
K50 核心系列 50 mm 通用型帶觸控開關指示燈
K50 核心系列 50 mm 通用型帶觸控開關指示燈
WLS28-2 Versatile, All-Purpose LED Strip Light
WLS28-2 Versatile, All-Purpose LED Strip Light
21 mm profile compact LED light for a variety of industrial applications. Available with motion sensors, various lenses & windows for max flexibility.
WLC90 Heavy Duty LED Work Light for High Temps
WLC90 Heavy Duty LED Work Light for High Temps
Oil, chemical, and water resistant with IP67, IP68g, and IP69K ratings. Wide operating temperature range. Three lens choices & versatile mounting.
Banner WLC60重載型LED燈為惡劣環境設計,可承受高壓沖洗、冷卻液和洗滌劑濺曝的環境。提供不銹鋼型號及IP67-、IP68g-和IP69K等級。
WL50S Sealed LED Spotlight for Task Lighting
WL50S Sealed LED Spotlight for Task Lighting
Highly concentrated spotlight available in 3 colors & 3 lens angles. Available in chemically-resistant housing & rated IP69K for harsh environments.
30 mm Illuminated Touch Buttons: K30 Series
30 mm Illuminated Touch Buttons: K30 Series
Ergonomically designed to eliminate hand, wrist, and arm stresses associated with repeated switch operation.
S22 Pro Series 22 mm Programmable Multicolor Panel Indicator
S22 Pro Series 22 mm Programmable Multicolor Panel Indicator
22 mm Flush Mount Multicolor RGB Indicator with Seven Color Flashing Input Control and up to Fourteen Color Options.
K50 Core Series 50 mm General Purpose Illuminated Pick-to-Light Touch Buttons
K50 Core Series 50 mm General Purpose Illuminated Pick-to-Light Touch Buttons
K50系列含觸控按鈕與一組明亮的大型指示燈,具有固態、觸控動作開關功能相結合,是精益製造和零件拾取作業的理想選擇。第二代指示燈具有優異的防誤觸功能,可直接替換現有K50 Touch型號。