iVu 系列
iVu BCR 系列條碼讀取器結合了強大的解碼功能和易用性,以解決具有挑戰性的可追溯性應用。這些多功能條碼讀取器有一系列鏡頭、照明和使用者介面選項。
- 能夠讀取廣泛的 1D 和 2D 條碼,包括損壞、失真和其他難以讀取的條碼。
- 能夠在一次檢測中從各個方向同時讀取多個條碼
- 使用集成式觸摸屏、遠端觸摸屏或 PC 介面設定、管理和監控檢測。
- 以太網路和序列通訊協議簡化了設備集成,實現了 IIoT 資料收集
- 堅固的 IP67 級外殼是狹小空間和工業環境的理想選擇
- 眾多的集成照明選項簡化了安裝,優化了對比度。
- 可互換鏡頭,包括各種標準和 C 型安裝選項,可滿足任何應用的需求。
Machine-Mountable Remote Display iVu
3.5 in Diagonal with M12 Connector
Used with all iVu Remote Sensors -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
UV 365 Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Blue Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Blue Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Blue Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 16 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 4.3 mm Lens
Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 16 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
No Light and 4.3 mm Lens
Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
No Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
No Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
For C-Mount Lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 8 mm Lens
Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Blue Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Green Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 16 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 4.3 mm Lens
Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 16 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 4.3 mm Lens
Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
No Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
No Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
For C-Mount Lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional