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Banner Engineering提供創新的解決方案,提高次要包裝的準確度、生產率並節省成本。
顏色多變的深色包裝很難用傳統的紅色LED感測器進行檢測。Banner Engineering的微型VS8光電感測器,帶有藍色LED,特別適用於低反射率標籤,可以檢測加壓罐中的冷藏食品。小型感測器適合狹小空間,適用於短距離應用。藍色LED與小光斑配合使用,以最大限度地減少標籤上顏色轉換的影響。
High-speed labeler processing 800 bottles per minute
Banner Engineering’s R58B Expert registration mark sensor confirms the registration mark’s position on the web. This allows the machine to make minor infeed adjustments to ensure the cut is properly placed and all labels are consistent and complete. If the labels are incorrectly cut they need to be removed from the bottling line creating costly downtime and waste. A quick and easy-to-use sensor is needed to dramatically improve throughput.
P4 OMNI視覺Camera正好位於離開標籤機的瓶子的後面,標籤機確保標籤的呈現將以可重複的方式進行,因此可以與存放的影像進行比較。P4 OMNI密封的防護等級為IP68,採用鍍鎳鍍鋅外殼。
In the beverage industry, labels need to be applied to the bottles quickly and without error to keep production levels high. Accurately monitoring the thickness on a spool of labels and controlling the unwinding speed is very important for the process to run smoothly. A solution is needed that can accurately supervise and report the material levels on a spool in order to prevent it from running out during the manufacturing process and delaying production.
An SLM series slot sensor and an iVu Series vision sensorare used to detect bottles passing on the line and to verify that date/lot codes have been correctly printed onto the bottles.
LE 系列檢測範圍可達1000 mm,可以應用於品管過程的控制、篩選和檢查作業。
21 mm profile compact LED light for a variety of industrial applications. Available with motion sensors, various lenses & windows for max flexibility.
Segments for the TL70 Tower Light are available in adjustable audible modules. Modules offer tremendous flexibility and can be customized as needed.
可擴充功能適用於通常使用 3 個或更多安全繼電器的複雜安全應用。使用擴充模組可支援多達 154 個安全輸入和多達 68 個安全輸出,每個 0.5 安培或 6 安培。
Banner專利的30 mm安裝底座可輕鬆完成產品安裝和連接,無需額外組裝、接線或額外的外殼。
Bright, glare-free workstation light with adjustable brightness improves productivity. Cascadable models for continuous lighting with minimal wiring.
Baking is a mixture of creativity, precision and attention to detail. The Wilkinson Baking Company has added technical innovation to the mix. The Wilkinson Bread Bakery is a compact, completely self-contained and fully automated bread bakery. This unique machine combines technology with tradition to transform simple raw ingredients into bakery fresh bread at 40 loaves an hour.
The dough for one of the company’s many popular breakfast cereals must fall within specific height parameters to ensure that it will have the perfect flake. Dough that is too thick will emerge from baking stiff and heavy. Dough that is too thin will crumble easily. This impacts the quality, taste and texture of the final product as well as product weight and packaging. Any product that does not meet the rigorous quality standards of the company will not be shipped or sold on the consumer market.
The EPA has placed restrictions on the use of many fumigants citing a correlation between their use and ozone depletion. As an alternative, a large-scale flour mill performs three to four thermal remediations per year to eradicate flour beetles. The temperature inside the mill is brought up to 122° F (50° C). This is done gradually to minimize equipment and building strain caused by heat expansion.