嚴刻的沖洗環境. 高速偵測透明物件。在從生產線開始生產到裝貨碼頭的每一個區域,公司都與 Banner 攜手合作,以保護和簡化生產線。領先飲料製造公司的各類事項都與 Banner 密切相關。
從量測、品質控制到罐裝、裝瓶和裝箱,Banner 解決方案會幫助公司提高產品品質,提升產量,减少錯誤並降低廢料率。
檢視行業領先的 Banner 解決方案

An LS Series safety light curtain with a mute arm kit in T-configuration combined with an XS26 Series safety controller is an easy-to-implement solution that protects staff from potential hazards without disrupting the flow of pallets to the depalletizer.
EZ-Screen LP 4型安全光幕為卸空瓶棧板機的操作人員提供針對掃測桿的運動的安全防護。為向個人提供針對掃除桿的安全防護,在光束之間提供14mm解析度,以防止進入和受傷。如果個人或物品觸及EZ-Screen的光束,則掃除動作將停止,以防止傷害。光幕的小型設計允許沿機器輕鬆安裝,不需要安裝PC或額外的設備。
Banner’s SureCross wireless system can easily transmit temperature, pressure and fill levels to a local PLCs. The wireless system will seamlessly alert operators if bottling is occurring below the desired fill level. This helps prevent errors and leads to greater consistency in bottled beverages. Consistent fill levels mean no recalls—and no wasted products. Using a wireless system also eliminates the need for slip rings on the rotary filler, which in turn reduces maintenance costs.
Detect clear glass and PET plastic bottles with various shapes and sizes. Washdown environment, IP69K ratings.
Banner’s LE550 is factory configured with a range of 100 to 1000 mm and can start measuring immediately. If the range needs to be adjusted, the laser sensor has an intuitive user interface with a two-line, eight-character display, making it easy to automatically or manually adjust settings. The LE550 provides repeatability and accuracy across challenging targets, from metal to black rubber, allows for reliable measurement of the shrink wrap.
Perimeter guarding applications require guarding on multiple sides of the machine. Meanwhile, access guarding protects an access point into the hazardous area.
Safety laser scanners work well for safeguarding applications where user access and protection are equally important. Banner’s AG4 Safety Laser Scanner with a 190º scanning angle fits nearly any shape and can evaluate an operator’s position by range and rotational angle. Its flexibility allows for new safeguarding shapes when work cell dimensions and parameters change.
Laser Distance Measurement | Q4X
Detect Clear Objects More Reliably in Harsh Environments光電感測器解決了許多具有挑戰性的應用,符合FDA食品等級認證的不鏽鋼外殼,環境防護等級達到IP69K。
Illumination and Indication | WLS27 EZ-STATUS
Improve How Machines Communicate with People完整密封於防碎裂且抗化學的外殼中。防護等級 IP69K 可用於沖洗環境。 多色型號同時結合了照明以及指示的功能。
Upgrade from traditional relays to get better diagnostics | SC10
Diagnose Downtime Events Faster and EasierReplaces the functionality of two safety relay modules with one compact, cost-effective device. Supports up to 10 inputs, 4 convertible inputs, and 2 dual channel 6 Amp relay outputs.