
  1. An automotive manufacturer was rejecting a supplier’s shipment of rear window assemblies due to faulty defroster grids. The supplier’s existing test procedure measured current draw across the entire heating system to detect an overall failure, but it could not detect the subtle impact of a single heating wire being broken. The window supplier partnered with a Michigan-based machine automation company to create a better test fixture—one that can verify each defrost wire heats to specification prior to shipping.

  2. • Remove completed pallets from assembly stations quickly • Enable direct communication from assembly stations to AGVs • Improve process efficiency using turnaround time data to

  3. K50 Pro touch buttons with IO-Link communication display takt time within workers' sightlines so that the assembly pace stays on track and meets production goals.

  4. Sensor solutions to detect the presence of a moonroof on an automobile assembly line where extended range capabilities are required.

  5. iVu Plus BCR Gen 2 with 25 mm Micro Lens replaces hand held barcode readers to collect data from dense, difficult-to-read QR codes on vehicle transmissions. A WL50S high-intensity LED spot light illuminates the target area.

  6. Banner的定距式K50指示燈檢測戴有手套的手,用來辨別操作人員在組裝過程中是否選擇了正確的零組件。之後,K50指示燈的邏輯功能可以透過從綠色更改為黃色(也可以選擇其他顏色,以配合製造商的選擇偏好)來通知操作人員其已經正確拾取。K50檢測深色手套的能力對於精益製造過程尤其重要,在此過程中,員工通常配戴深色手套。

  7. The EZ-LIGHT PVA pick-to-light sensors provide a reliable error-proofing solution for various operation systems. The light indicate to assemblers which items to pick and in which order to pick them.

  8. A Banner wireless solution is a simple way to optimize inventory, reduce errors, and minimize waste. Each SureCross Performance Node with I/O Mapping can be equipped with up to six EZ-LIGHT operator indicator lights. The SureCross Gateway is conveniently located at a central location where maintenance personnel and management can monitor the parts consumption throughout the site.

  9. An equipment manufacturer builds test and measurement machinery for the auto industry. Operators access machine systems through the control cabinet. Intense illumination of the cabinet facilitates machine maintenance and management. Multiple AC powered fluorescent light fixtures had been used for this task.

  10. American Hoffmann Corporation chose WLB32 LED light bars to illuminate work areas, enclosures and control cabinets, replacing fluorescent light fixtures. The superior light distribution offered by the WLB32 LED lights lights, as well as the ease of installation were key factors in the company's decision.

  11. 隨著車輛在汽車組裝線上前進,L-GAGE LT7雷射感測器被引導到汽車天窗內,以驗證汽車座椅已經安裝並處於正確的位置。它提供了具有兩個輸出(PNP)的鏡面反射型式,以提供可達250米的超長工作距離,這使其成為汽車行業的多功能感測器。
