Delivering Pinpoint Diagnostic Information to Robotic Sortation Systems



Featured Products

  • 系列診斷


    系列診斷 (ISD) 可以輕鬆排除機器安全系統故障、防止故障發生並減少停機時間。

  • RFID Safety Switches

    SI-RF RFID Safety Switches

    SI-RF Series safety switches utilize RFID technology to monitor doors, gates, and other mechanical safeguards. They will send a signal to the machine control system to prevent or stop hazardous situations when the guard is not in the proper position.

  • Emergency Stop and Stop Controls

    Emergency Stop and Stop Controls

    Emergency stop devices provide workers a means of stopping a device by pushing a button or pulling a rope in order to prevent injury to personnel and material.

  • SC10 Series Safety Controller / Relay Hybrid

    SC10 Series Safety Controller / Relay Hybrid

    Replaces the functionality of two safety relay modules with one compact, cost-effective device. Supports up to 10 inputs, 4 convertible inputs, and 2 dual channel 6 Amp relay outputs.

  • XS26 可擴充安全控制器

    XS26 可擴充安全控制器

    可擴充功能適用於通常使用 3 個或更多安全繼電器的複雜安全應用。使用擴充模組可支援多達 154 個安全輸入和多達 68 個安全輸出,每個 0.5 安培或 6 安培。
