透過 IIoT 解決方案克服實際應用難題
透過解決工廠的實際應用難題,開始使用工業物聯網 (IIoT)。IIoT 解決方案可為您的企業提供實際應用和切實利益,從允許您監控生產線的性能和效率,到讓您知道機器需要立即維護。

Featured Application | DXM
用於預防性維護的振動監測Banner’s wireless vibration and temperature sensor measures RMS velocity, in inches per second or millimeters per second, and temperature. Mounting it as close as possible to the bearings enables you to monitor the machine’s health by detecting increases in vibration and temperature. It is easy to mount using the standard bracket, the magnetic bracket or two sided thermal transfer mounting tape.
Featured Application | TL70
Remote Monitoring to Optimize Overall Equipment Effectiveness• Provide instant visual communication across a busy plant floor </br> • Collect machine status and other data to calculate Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) </br> • Alert staff to critical conditions via text message or email </br>
了解有關 Banner 如何解決 IIoT 數據驅動型挑戰的更多資訊
工業物聯網 (IIoT) 描述了科技如何串聯起工業環境中的各個裝置,例如感測器,並上傳雲端。 IIoT 讓資料更容易讀取,讓智慧工廠能夠分析這些資訊以進行決策。
Banner Engineering 的 IIoT 解決方案能協助企業做出更好的數據驅動型決策。一切皆是透過遠端監控、預期分析和維護,以及精算整體設備效率 (OEE) 的能力。