Hot Glue Detection

Hot Glue Detection Image
Challenge: Hot Glue Detection for Quality Control in Packaging

Packaging applications typically involve several processes before a product can be shipped. It is beneficial to automate as many of these processes as possible to ensure efficiency, improve consistency, and prevent error.

In this application, one of the final steps in the packaging process is to seal the flaps using hot glue. A solution is needed to verify that the hot glue has been applied before the package can be properly sealed.

Solution: A Reliable Temperature Sensor

T-GAGE M18T Series Temperature Sensors are passive, non-contacting, temperature-based devices designed to detect objects that are hotter or colder than the ambient condition, and then activate an output. Banner's T-GAGE M18T temperature sensor is ideal for hot glue verification because it detects the infrared energy an object emits to determine its temperature, sensing from 0°C to 300°C.

In this application, the T-GAGE temperature sensor will detect the presence or absence of hot glue on the flaps of the package. If the hot glue is present, the process will continue, and the package will be sealed. If the glue is missing, the output will trigger a process to apply the hot glue.

The T-GAGE temperature sensor detects the infrared light energy emitted by objects using a thermopile detector, made up of multiple infrared-sensitive elements (thermocouples), to detect this infrared energy within its field of view.

The temperature sensor can be programmed in two ways. The first is to TEACH the sensor a hot limit and a cold limit. The sensor will then establish a single sensing threshold midway between the two taught conditions. The second method is to teach limits using Dynamic TEACH. This can be done while the application is active. Dynamic TEACH will sense the high and low temperature limits of the process and automatically set the threshold at the midpoint between these limits.

The T-GAGE M18T temperature sensor is available with an IP67 18 mm stainless steel housing with a food grade face for food packaging applications.

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