TL50 Tower Light Family [Video]

The EZ-LIGHT® TL50 Tower Light Family indicators, including the Standard Tower Light and Beacon Tower Light, are easy to install and provide highly visible operator guidance and equipment status indication.

Learn More About the TL50 Series

Torreta TL50
Torreta TL50

Los indicadores LED de torreta de varios segmentos pre configurados reemplazan a los indicadores de torreta convencionales, que a menudo requieren de un montaje muy costoso y un cableado complejo. Varios modelos de torreta dan como resultado soluciones personalizadas, que incluyen una opción de fuente de alimentación de CA o CC, tres opciones de salida audible, intensidades de luz estándar o altas y opciones de desconexión rápida o precableadas.

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The TL50 Tower Light Family includes preassembled and preconfigured multi-segment indicators that replace conventional stack lights. Prewired and quick-disconnect option reduce installation time, because no assembly or complex wiring is required.

TL50 Standard and Beacon Tower Lights have extremely bright LED lighting, helping guide operators on the factory floor. Displaying up to seven light segments in a single tower, standard models have 10 different colors to choose from and high intensity and daylight visible models have 5 color options. All tower lights have an optional audible function with variable intensity, which alerts operators of multiple machine statuses for clear communication.

Industries Served: Agriculture, Assembly and Manufacturing, Automotive, Car Wash, Food & Beverage, Material Handling, Packaging, Pharmaceutical & Medical, Port Machinery, Semiconductor

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