Vehicle Detection at a Car Wash


Keep Automated Car Washes Running Smoothly

Vehicle detection at a car wash is essential to verify that vehicles are correctly positioned in the car wash bay, monitor the flow of traffic through the car wash, and trigger next steps such as opening and closing entry and exit doors.  

However, harsh conditions both inside and outside of a car wash pose many challenges to traditional equipment, and heavy-duty solutions are required to withstand the environment.

Keep reading to learn about technologies that provide reliable vehicle detection in these difficult conditions.

Challenges of Detecting Vehicles at a Car Wash

Why a Heavy-Duty Sensing Solution is Essential

Car wash facilities often require vehicle detection both outside and inside of the car wash bay to ensure proper flow of traffic and trigger automated entry and exit doors.  These applications can be challenging for many sensors due to the harsh conditions both inside and outside of the facility. 

Outside of the car wash, sensing technology is exposed to variable weather conditions, like wind and rain, that can impact sensor performance.

Meanwhile, inside of the car wash bay, ever-present water, extreme changes in temperature, sunlight, reflective surfaces, mist and steam, and the constant cycling of machine movement are factors that all must be considered when selecting a sensor for reliable vehicle detection.

Vehicle Detection Solutions at a Car Wash

Reliably Trigger Door Open and Close

Detection at an Automated Car Wash Entrance

Application: Detecting vehicles at the entrance of a car wash to trigger automatic doors. 

Challenges:  The sensor is exposed to harsh outdoor environments that can impact sensor performance.  In addition, a minimally invasive solution is required to reduce costly downtime. 

Solution: A wireless sensor like the M-GAGE from Banner is a compact, minimally invasive, and cost-effective solution.  Vehicle presence is detected by a node that activates the automated car wash system to power up and trigger the entry door. 

Benefits: An wireless sensor node eliminates the need for a large and invasive inductive loop.  The wireless node requires no wiring or external control box, but it achieves an accurate and repeatable response. The compact, fully-encapsulated device withstands harsh weather conditions and may be mounted above ground or below ground.

Verify Vehicle Position Inside the Bay

Detection Inside a Car Wash Bay

Application: Sensing vehicles as they travel through cycles of a car wash. 

Challenges: Inside the car wash, extreme conditions like high pressure, drastic termperature changes, mist, steam, and humidity can impact sensor performance. 

Solution: A high-performance long-range photoelectric sensor that is epoxy-ecapsulated and IP69K-rated for use in wet environments.  In the image to the right, the QS30EXQ emitter and QS30RRXQ receiver are configured in opposed mode to verify that a vehicle has passed completely through the drying stage of wash, signaling the car wash is ready to allow another vehicle to begin a cycle.

Benefits: Sensors with epoxy-encapsulated electronics prevent water ingress from destroying the sensitive components, and IP69K-rated housings can withstand the constant presence of water and extreme temperature swings.  In addition, sensors with a 875 nm wavelength infrared light can burn through mist and steam for reliable sensing.

Complete the Solution with Status Indication

LED Indicators Provide Clear Visual Feedback

A car wash vehicle detection solution would not be complete without status indication.  Bright, LED indicator lights provide visual confirmation to customers that their vehicle is positioned correctly and that the car wash cycle is beginning.  Multiple indicator lights can be used to clearly display which stage of the car wash cycle is in progress.

Similar to sensors, LED lights can be easily damaged by the environment of the car wash bay, so choosing an indicator rated IP69K is essential. 

Featured Products


High Performance Photoelectric Sensor

  • Diseño innovador de carcasa de 30 mm para adaptarse a casi cualquier montaje
  • Detección de alta potencia con rangos de hasta 200 m
  • Disponible en modos opuesto, de alta potencia opuesto, polarizado y no polarizado retrorreflectante, difuso, láser, de campo fijo y de campo ajustable y de detección de objetos claros
  • Modelos difuso y retro reflectivo con láser visible Clase 1 y modo difuso con láser Clase 2
  • Modelos de alimentación estándar de 10 a 30V dc y salida bipolar NPN/PNP o de alimentación de 24 a 250V ac/12 a 250V ac con salida relé e/m
  • Operación en luz u oscuridad seleccionable o configurable, según el modelo
  • Clasificación ambiental IP67 o IP69K, según el modelo
  • Tiene indicadores LED brillantes para indicación de estado visibles a 360°

Wireless Magnetometer

El sensor M-GAGE utiliza tecnología de detección pasiva para detectar objetos ferrosos grandes, como vehículos motorizados. El M-GAGE proporciona un reemplazo alternativo para los sistemas inductivos del lazo y no necesita ninguna caja externa del control.

  • Diseñado para minimizar los efectos del cambio de temperatura y los campos magnéticos fluctuantes
  • El sensor aprende ambiente de fondo y almacena los ajustes en la memoria no volátil
  • Tecnología FlexPower impulsada por una sola batería de litio primaria integrada en la carcasa
  • Transceptores de proporcionar una comunicación bidireccional entre la puerta de enlace y nodo, incluyendo transmisión de datos totalmente reconocido
  • La carcasa completamente sellado y empaquetada contiene la fuente de poder, el sensor y la antena para una solución completamente inalámbrica
K50 Core Series

LED Indicator

Nuestra luz indicadora más popular. Este indicador de propósito general de 50 mm está disponible en voltaje AC y DC.

  • Indicadores robustos, rentables y fáciles de instalar
  • El domo iluminado proporciona una guía fácil de ver para el operador y una indicación del estado del equipo
  • Dispositivos compactos, completamente independientes, no necesitan un controlador
  • Operación de 85 a 264V ac ó 18 a 30V dc
  • Muestra hasta tres colores
  • Inmune a la interferencia EMI y RFI

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