Part Pick Indication for Small Bins

Part Pick Indication for Small Bins Image

Application: Indication for picking order

Challenges: Light needs to be visible in small bins

Solution: EZ-LIGHT PVD Pick-to-Light Sensor

Benefits: Bright indication with hand detection

Often times lights can be very useful in assembly settings to keep workflow efficient and reduce errors. They can be used to signal to the assembler which part they need to pick next in an production process.


To reduce the risk of error in an assembly operation, a one-piece EZ-LIGHT PVD pick-to-light sensor with a 400 mm range is interfaced with a process controller programmed with the correct assembly sequence. The controller makes the PVDs light up in the correct order, to show the assembler which part to pick.

After the PVD detects that the assembler's hand has entered and left the bin, the controller signals the PVD of the next bin in the pick sequence to light up.

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