Factory Communication and Process Optimization

Wireless Call for Parts, Pickup, or Service

Improve communication and maintain a steady workflow with Banner Engineering's wireless call for parts solution. Watch the video to learn how.

Communicate Better, Improve Worker Productivity

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies are not just useful for optimizing machines. In fact, wireless technologies enable seamless interaction among human workers as well, and can have a significant impact on the efficiency of manual or semi-automated production and assembly lines. 

Keep reading to learn how IIoT technologies enable better communication throughout the factory and streamline processes for machines and people alike.

Technologies for Smart Factory Communication

Wireless Communication and LED Indication

Combining wireless communication with bright indication enables more seamless interaction between machines, workers, mobile equipment, and their managers throughout the factory.  

Workers can quickly and easily interpret signals from LED indicators with clear, bright local displays, especially when each status is represented by a unique color or animation.

Furthermore,  LED indicators with wireless communication make it easy to quickly send and receive these signals from anywhere in the factory--and respond in a timely manner. 

Benefits of Wireless Factory Communication

Communicate Among Workstations and Forklifts

Keep Stations Stocked for Continuous Workflow

Assembly workers need the correct supplies in order to build products and maintain a smooth workflow. Restocking assembly stations on-time, before components run out without overstocking and creating congestion at a station can be a challenge. Real-time communication between assemblers and the forklift operators who stock their stations enables a more efficient delivery of components as well as the timely removal of completed products.

When an assembly station needs to be restocked, a worker can simply touch a button at their station.  The button sends a signal to a pendant that the forklift operator carries.  A red LED light on the pendant that corresponds with the assembly station will begin to flash, notifying the forklift operator where parts are needed.  The driver can quickly acknowldege the request by pushing a button on the pendant, letting the operator know more material is on the way.  

Track Requests and Response Speeds

Use Data to Identify Process Improvements

A wireless call-for-parts, service, or pallet pickup system increases efficiency by allowing up to 18 work stations to call out to six forklifts or Hi-Los.  A wireless solution enables quicker responses from forklift drivers and/or supervisors to indicate a request has been accepted. When creating a call system using wireless indicators, work stations can maintain a steady workflow and resolve critical issues quickly.

A wireless solution can also track total time to fulfill requests, number of requests, and time to acknowledge requests. This allows managers to analyze average delivery and acknowledgement times for each station and make process improvements as needed.

Spend Employee Time More Productively

Reduce Time Spent Checking In Unnecessarily

Instead of requiring machine operators to walk over to the manager area for assistance with a technical issue, a wireless system utilizing connected pushbuttons or switches and tower lights can be used to alert managers when assistance is needed on the line.

For example, a notification system might be set up so that an operator pushes a button or flips a switch to alert the manager or technician that he or she is needed on the production line. Wireless pushbuttons equipped with LED status lights can also facilitate 2-way communication by configuring the LED to change color when the manager or technician indicates that he or she is on their way.

Using a wireless notification system reduces the need for technicians and managers to constantly check each production line and for workers to leave their workstations when they need assistance. By streamlining communications, managers, technicians, and line workers are able to use their time more productively.

Featured Products

Q45 Series

Wireless Pushbuttons and Switches

Los Interruptores y Botones Táctiles Sure Cross® Q45 están diseñados para aceptar entradas remotas de contacto seco, NAMUR y conmutadores discretos sin contacto para su uso en muchas aplicaciones de automatización de fábrica, monitoreo remoto e IIoT.

  • Los modelos de dispositivos remotos están diseñados para interactuar con entradas aisladas de contacto seco o sensores de proximidad inductivos NAMUR
  • Los modelos de botón y luz tienen entradas táctiles controladas independientes y una luz indicadora LED multicolor
  • Los modelos remotos discretos de interruptor sin contacto usan un interruptor de contacto Reed y un imán para detectar la posición de dispositivos mecánicos como puertas, palancas, válvulas y otros actuadores
Q120 Series

Wireless Button and Light Pendant

El botonera Inalámbrica Q120 Sure Cross®con indicador luminoso es un nodo inalámbrico autónomo que permite la comunicación bidireccional entre un operador y hasta seis dispositivos remotos y/o móviles

  • Seis entradas de botón pulsador controladas de forma independiente permiten a los operadores enviar actualizaciones de estado, reconocimientos, procesos y dispositivos activados de forma inalámbrica.
  • Seis indicadores LED rojos y verdes proporcionan una indicación local del estado de los dispositivos y equipos remotos o móviles.
  • Interruptor DIP configurable
K70 Series

Wireless LED Touch Button

El botón táctil inalámbrico de 70 mm EZ-LIGHT K70 es un interruptor de estado sólido de tamaño grande, fácil de activar y con una indicación altamente visible. Los botones táctiles de esta serie son ideales para ser utilizados como indicadores pick-to-light, botón de llamado y en aplicaciones industriales en general.

  • Excelente inmunidad a falsas activaciones causadas por rociado de agua, detergentes, aceites y otros materiales extraños
  • Ergonómicamente diseñado para eliminar tensión en mano, muñeca y brazo causadas por operaciones repetidas de activación; ya que no requieren ninguna fuerza física para operar
  • Puede ser activado con las manos desnudas o con guantes
  • Disponible en nueve opciones de color y en modelos con uno, dos o tres colores
  • Operación de 12 a 30 V dc

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