Serie DXM
Controlador Inalámbrico Industrial
El controlador DXM es un controlador inalámbrico industrial para facilitar la conectividad Ethernet y las aplicaciones IIoT (Internet Industrial de las Cosas). Disponible con un chip interno de un Gateway DX80 o un Radio de Datos Multihop, este poderoso dispositivo con comunicación Modbus conecta las redes inalámbricas locales con el internet y/o los sistemas host.
- Modelos DXM1200 equipados con carcasa con clasificación IP67 para uso en entornos desafiantes
- Los modelos DXM1200E mejoran el alcance inalámbrico y brindan la capacidad de extender la antena a la ubicación ideal para dispositivos inalámbricos difíciles de alcanzar
- Los radios ISM están disponibles en 900 MHz y 2.4 GHz para las redes inalámbricas locales
- Convierte Modbus RTU a Modbus TCP/IP o Ethernet I/P
- El controlador lógico se puede programar usando reglas de acción y métodos de lenguaje de texto
- Tarjeta micro SD para el registro de datos
- Alertas por correo electrónico y mensajes SMS
- Opciones de E/S locales: entradas discretas aisladas, entradas universales, salidas de relé SPDT (Forma C), salidas NMOS y salidas analógicas
- Alimentado por 12 a 30 V dc, panel solar de 12 V dc o una batería de respaldo
- Puertos de comunicación RS-232, RS-485, y Ethernet; y un puerto de configuración USB
- Pantalla LCD para información de E/S y LEDs programables por el usuario
- Módems celulares disponibles para conectividad celular (se venden por separado)
Technical Literature
DXM General Information
Documentación técnica - DXM700
Documentación técnica - DXM1000
Documentación técnica - DXM1200
Documentación técnica - DXM100
Documentación técnica - DXM150
Solutions Guides
PLC Support Files
Archivos de soporte de PLC
Product Data Files
Archivos con Datos del Producto
Marketing Literature
Literatura de Marketing
Technical Notes
Additional Technical Notes available in the Wireless Reference Library.
Application Notes

Monitoreo de Nivel de Llenado de Líquido en una Batería Móvil
El sensor ultrasónico inalámbrico K50U fue diseñado específicamente como una solución de monitoreo de nivel sin contacto. El monitoreo de los niveles de epoxi en la batería durante la recarga alerta al personal de posibles desbordamientos antes de que se conviertan en un problema.

Increase Productivity on an Injection Molding Machine
Make your legacy injection molding machine smart – Give it Industry 4.0 capability – with Snap Signal.

M-Gage Detección Inalámbrica de Vehículo
Detección de camiones y señalización de llegada, comunicación inalámbrica

Mantenimiento Predictivo
El mantenimiento predictivo permite a los usuarios anticipar con mayor precisión cuándo se necesitará el mantenimiento de la máquina en función de los datos en tiempo real de las mismas máquinas

Call for Pickup from an Assembly Station to an AGV
Remove completed pallets from assembly stations quickly.

Equipment Monitoring from a Supervisor's Station
Provide at-a-glance machine status indication and send machine status information to a wide range of devices.

Monitoreo Remoto
El monitoreo remoto permite una mayor visibilidad del rendimiento y la eficiencia de las máquinas, los procesos y las personas.
![Vibration Monitoring a Main Air Handler [Success Story]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/3d-renders/application-notes/predictive-maint/qm30vt-motor-vibration-detection.psd/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
Vibration Monitoring a Main Air Handler [Success Story]
Learn how the installation of Banner wireless vibration sensors and data from the DXM wireless gateway prevented unplanned downtime in this application.
![Predictive Maintenance of Rotating Parts on Conveyor [Success Story]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/photography/general---stock-photography/stock_photo_new/AdobeStock_111970609.jpeg/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
Predictive Maintenance of Rotating Parts on Conveyor [Success Story]
Wireless monitoring of rotating parts on coal conveyors throughout a large port allows operators to utilize predictive maintenance to prevent failure and save money while reducing downtime.

Improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness by Monitoring Production Input and Output
Monitoring production inputs and outputs provides machine operators and managers with critical data about their processes and equipment and can help them identify and resolve problems on the production line more quickly.

Vibration Monitoring for Predictive Maintenance
Banner’s wireless vibration and temperature sensor measures RMS velocity, in inches per second or millimeters per second, and temperature. Mounting it as close as possible to the bearings enables you to monitor the machine’s health by detecting increases in vibration and temperature. It is easy to mount using the standard bracket, the magnetic bracket or two sided thermal transfer mounting tape.
![Predictive Maintenance of Motors and Gearboxes on Large Cranes [Success Story]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/photography/general---stock-photography/stock_photo_new/bigstock-In-A-Port-49071524.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
Predictive Maintenance of Motors and Gearboxes on Large Cranes [Success Story]
Wireless products enable predictive maintenance in the port industry. Motors and gearboxes on cranes are prone to high vibration and temperature which can cause them to degrade. Predictive maintenance allows employees to interfere and solve problems before they completely fail and cause unplanned downtime and lost profit.

Monitoreo de Condiciones: Mantenimiento Predictivo y Preventivo
Identifique los problemas de la máquina antes de que causen daños graves o tiempo de inactividad no planificado.

Call for Parts, Service, or Pallet Pickup
Increase efficiency using a wireless call-for-parts/service/pickup system

Inbound and Outbound Status Indication at Loading Dock
In a recent material handling application, facility managers needed to find a solution that would alert them to the status of trailer capacity at loading dock doors in real-time.

Machine Monitoring/Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Remotely monitor your assets and gain access to previously unavailable data.

Increasing Productivity with Pick-to-Light System
Learn how In the Ditch™, an Idaho-based manufacturer of award-winning products for the towing industry, was able to make substantial improvements to the efficiency and accuracy of their picking processes by implementing a complete pick-to-light system from Banner Engineering.
![Calculate OEE with a Wireless Solution [Video]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/video/video-thumbnails/applications/animation_thumbnails_updated/OEE_to_improve_productivity.psd/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
Calculate OEE with a Wireless Solution
Calculating Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) can help you improve efficiency and productivity. With a wireless system, you can track uptime, validate throughput, monitor quality, and optimize your operation.

Wireless Vibration Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance Solutions
Monitor machine health utilizing predictive maintenance by continuously monitoring for vibration and temperature changes.

Wireless Call for Parts, Services, and Pick-Up Solution
Learn how to improve communication and maintain a steady workflow with Banner Engineering's wireless call for parts solution.

Soluciones del Internet Industrial de las Cosas (IIoT)
Las soluciones IIoT de Banner Engineering brindan a las empresas una mayor visibilidad de sus operaciones al permitir el acceso a datos críticos de rendimiento y producción, lo que facilita la resolución de problemas, la identificación de tendencias y la toma de mejores decisiones basadas en datos.

How-To Guide: DXM Controller with Ignition SCADA
Learn how to connect the Banner DXM Gateway series with the Ignition SCADA software.