Serie Emblemática K50

Botones Táctiles Iluminados de Uso General de 50 mm

Luz indicadora de 3 colores con un contacto pulsador independiente que puede funcionar sin alimentar el dispositivo o circuitos eléctricos para control.

  • Tres entradas fuente para controlar la luz indicadora verde, amarilla y roja.
  • El botón Pulsador está asignado a una salida de contacto seco que está diseñada para funcionar con dispositivos SureCross™ FlexPower
  • Funcionamiento de 18 a 30 V CC
  • Ideal para uso en entornos abusivos, en una carcasa completamente encapsulada y resistente
  • Disponible en modelos cableados y con Conector Rápido tipo Euro
  • Disponibles en salida de botón pulsador momentáneo
Remote I/O

Seleccione un documento a continuación eligiendo entre los siguientes tipos de lógica de producto:

  • PICK-TO-LIGHT: Opciones lógicas de dos colores para pruebas de errores, selección, puesta y verificación
  • MULTIPROPÓSITO: Control a todo color mediante tres entradas independientes del botón; salida momentánea seguida del botón
  • BOTONES ILUMINADOS: Uno o dos colores con salidas bipolares momentáneas o de retención que siguen del botón
  • ESPECIALIDAD PICK-TO-LIGHT: Opciones lógicas de tres colores para pruebas de errores, selección, puesta y verificación
  • MODBUS: Control de color y monitoreo de entrada a través de Modbus RTU


Documentación técnica - Pick-to-Light

K50 Touch Gen 1 Pick-to-Light
19 Jul 2021
Ficha de datos
K50 Touch Gen 2 Pick-to-Light
23 Jun 2017
Ficha de datos
K50 Touch Gen 2 FDA-Grade Pick-to-Light
22 Jul 2016
Ficha de datos

Documentación técnica - Multipurpose

K50 Touch Gen 2 Illuminated Multipurpose Buttons
22 Jun 2020
Ficha de datos
K50 Touch Gen 1 Illuminated Multipurpose Buttons
9 Feb 2017
Ficha de datos
K50 Touch Gen 2 FDA-Grade Illuminated Multipurpose Buttons
22 Jul 2016
Ficha de datos
EZ-LIGHT K50 and K80 Specialty C3 Series  - Japanese
Ficha de datos

Documentación técnica - Illuminated

K50 Touch Gen 2 Illuminated Buttons
26 Oct 2022
Ficha de datos
K50 Touch Gen 1 Illuminated Buttons
8 Feb 2017
Ficha de datos
K50 Touch Gen 2 FDA-Grade Illuminated Buttons
22 Jul 2016
Ficha de datos

Documentación técnica - Specialty Pick-to-Light

K50 Touch Gen 1 Specialty Pick-to-Light
19 Jul 2021
Ficha de datos
K50 Touch Gen 2 Specialty Pick-to-Light
23 Jun 2017
Ficha de datos
K50 Touch Gen 2 FDA-Grade Specialty Pick-to-Light
27 Jul 2016
Ficha de datos

Documentación técnica - Modbus

K50 Modbus Pick-to-Light
15 Mar 2016
Ficha de datos
Verificación e Indicación de Bolsa Llena
Verificación e Indicación de Bolsa Llena

Con el fin de identificar y utilizar correctamente la administración visual, un sensor se activa cuando la bolsa está llena y envía una señal a un botón táctil K50 que se enciende con luz roja, que indica cuando la bolsa está llena. El botón táctil K50 muestra visualmente al operador que la bolsa tiene que ser retirada y cambiada por una vacía. Para indicar que la bolsa está lista para recibir más paquetes, el operador presiona el botón ergonómico de tacto K50, cambiando éste a verde, mostrando que la bolsa está lista para más paquetes.

Indicador de Paro de Emergencia
Indicador de Paro de Emergencia

Con la combinación del botón de paro de emergencia con el indicador táctil K50 nos comunica un estado simple de indicación en condiciones de emergencia. El botón E - Stop de montaje de 30 mm de Banner tiene una base iluminada que cambia de amarillo a rojo en flash cuando es accionado, mostrando claramente una condición de paro de emergencia. El K50 táctil es un aerodinámico producto con un diseño ergonómico que no requiere ninguna presión física para operar y es fácilmente activado con las manos o con guantes de trabajo.

Communication in a Busy Manufacturing Site [Success Story]
Communication in a Busy Manufacturing Site [Success Story]

A medida que más componentes pasan a través del horno, mantener el ritmo del flujo de artículos que serán descargados se vuelve más difícil. Los atascos en el área de clasificación genera acumulación Los artículos pueden ser fácilmente mal dirigidos o incluso dañados. Una pausa en el flujo de piezas permite al operador que descarga corregir errores y despejar la estación de recolección. Sin embargo, la distancia entre las áreas de descarga y carga así como lo ajetreado de la planta y el ruido de la maquinaria complican la comunicación entre operarios.

Llamado de Partes en una Fábrica de Muebles
Llamado de Partes en una Fábrica de Muebles

El cliente necesita una solución que pueda incrementar el tiempo de respuesta del montacarguista por medio de indicadores colocados en el tablero del montacargas y que además le permita al conductor reconocer la solicitud, lo que elimina entregas redundantes por múltiples montacarguistas.

Kitting Operation with Gloves
Kitting Operation with Gloves

Banner’s fixed-field K50 indicator detects gloved hands , sensing when operators select the correct parts during the kitting process. The K50 indicator’s logic function is then able to notify the operator that he/she picked correctly by changing from green to yellow—additional colors can be selected to suite to the manufacturer’s preference. The K50’s ability to detect black gloves is especially important for lean manufacturing processes where workers typically wear dark gloves.

Llamado Inalámbrico de Partes
Llamado Inalámbrico de Partes

Obtener un proceso eficiente de llamado inalámbrico de partes es posible con un dispositivo TL50 multi segmento audible de Banner, combinado con el indicador K50 touch y el sistema PM8 inalámbrico. Para comenzar, indicadores K50 Touch ergonómicos son instalados y numerados en la estación del supervisor según sus Nodos Inalámbricos PML8 correspondientes, que se instalan en estaciones de trabajo individuales junto con una torreta de luz audible.

Entrega de Vehículos de Detección con Indicación en Almacén.
Warehouse Vehicle Detection with Indication

La detección de vehículos en los muelles de carga es complicada porque las soluciones de detección están expuestas a los elementos y necesitan reconocer una amplia variedad de superficies. Los sensores ultrasónicos robustos funcionan bien para detectar con precisión las superficies de los vehículos de entrega, independientemente del material. El emparejamiento con una brillante indicación LED crea una guía inconfundible para el operador.

A Complete Family of Touch Buttons
A Complete Family of Touch Buttons from Banner Engineering

Banner Engineering offers a complete portfolio of touch buttons for your simplest to most advanced touch requirements. Watch the video to learn more about our capabilities for touch and indication.

K30, K50 and K70 Gen 2 Touch Buttons
K30, K50 and K70 Gen 2 Touch Buttons

Los botones Gen 2 Touch de Banner Engineering responden con precisión al tacto incluso en condiciones difíciles o desordenadas. La carcasa de policarbonato, resistente a productos químicos, no se activará bajo rocío directo.

Selección de Producto


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  1. K50ABT2XGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: None - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: None - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Green - Not Activated, Red - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2 FDA
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: FDA Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    150 mm (6 in) M12 PVC Pigtail QD

  5. K50APT2GRYF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  8. K50ABT2FXGH

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2 FDA; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: FDA Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: None - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable

  9. K50ABT2GRHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Green - Not Activated, Red - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  10. K50ABT2GWHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Green - Not Activated, White - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  11. K50ABT2GYHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Green - Not Activated, Yellow - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  12. K50ABT2OGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Orange - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  13. K50ABT2RGH

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Red - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable

  14. K50ABT2RGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Red - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  15. K50ABT2RWHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Red - Not Activated, White - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  16. K50ABT2WGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: White - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  17. K50ABT2XGH

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: None - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable

  18. K50ABT2XRHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: None - Not Activated, Red - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  19. K50ABT2XWHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: None - Not Activated, White - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  20. K50ABT2YGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Yellow - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  21. K50ABTGRHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Green - Not Activated, Red - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  22. K50ABTRGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Red - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  23. K50ABTWGH

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: White - Not Activated; Green - Activated
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable

  24. K50ALBT2RGH

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Red - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable

  25. K50ALBT2RGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Red - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  26. K50ALBT2XGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: None - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  27. K50ALBT2XYH

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: None - Not Activated, Yellow - Activated
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Green - Not Activated, Blue - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Green - Not Activated, Red - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Green - Not Activated, Yellow - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Red - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: None - Not Activated, Blue - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: None - Not Activated, Red - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  34. K50ANT2GRYF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: NPN (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  35. K50ANTGRYF2

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: NPN (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable

  36. K50ANTGRYF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: NPN (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  37. K50APT2BRYC3QP

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Blue Red Yellow
    150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD

  38. K50APT2BRYF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Blue Red Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  39. K50APT2BYWF2

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Blue Yellow White
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2 FDA
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: FDA Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Blue
    150 mm (6 in) 8-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD

  41. K50APT2GBYF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Blue Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  42. K50APT2GRBF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Blue
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  43. K50APT2GRWF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red White
    8-pin M12 Integral Connnector

  44. K50APT2GRXF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  45. K50APT2GRYF2

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable

  46. K50APT2GRYF2QP

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    150 mm (6 in) M12 PVC Pigtail QD

  47. K50APT2GYRF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Yellow Red
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  48. K50APT2RYBF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Red Yellow Blue
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  49. K50APT2WGBF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: White Green Blue
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  50. K50APT2YGWF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Yellow Green White
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  51. K50APT2YRWF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Yellow Red White
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  52. K50APTBRYF2

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Blue Red Yellow
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable

  53. K50APTGBWF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Blue White
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  54. K50APTGBYF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Blue Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  55. K50APTGRBF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Blue
    8-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Blue
    150 mm (6 in) 8-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD

  57. K50APTGRWF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red White
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  58. K50APTGRYF2

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    150 mm (6 in) M12 PVC Pigtail QD

  60. K50APTGYRF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Yellow Red
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  61. K50APTRWBF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Red White Blue
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  62. K50APTXGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 1-Color Touch Sensor; Sense Light Only
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  63. K50CABT2GWHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Green - Not Activated, White - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  64. K50CABT2XGH

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 1-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Color: None - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable

  65. K50CABT2XGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 1-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: None - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NO); Colors: Red - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  67. K50CANT2GRYF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: NPN (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  68. K50CAPT2GBYF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Blue Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  69. K50CAPT2GRBF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Blue
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  70. K50CAPT2GRWF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red White
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  71. K50CRBT2XRH

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 1-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NC); Color: None - Not Activated, Red - Activated
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable

  72. K50CRBT2XRHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 1-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NC); Colors: None - Not Activated, Red - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  73. K50CRPT2GRYF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Compact Series: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NC); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2 Flat pack
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Blue Red Yellow
    150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD

  75. K50FAPT2GREQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Job Light Overrides Touch Light; Flat pack
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  76. K50FAPT2GRYC3Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Flat Pack
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    5-pin M12 Integral QD


    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2 Flat Pack
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD

  78. K50FAPT2GRYF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2 Flat pack
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NO); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

  79. K50RBT2RGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Momentary Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NC); Colors: Red - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  80. K50RLBT2RGHQ

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 2-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2; Latching Output
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Output: Bipolar (NC); Colors: Red - Not Activated, Green - Activated
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  81. K50RPT2GRYF2

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NC); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Cable

  82. K50RPT2GRYF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor Gen 2
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NC); Colors: Green Red Yellow
    5-pin M12 Integral QD

  83. K50RPTGRBF2Q

    logo with r symbol

    K50 Series EZ-LIGHT: 3-Input-Color Touch Sensor
    Voltage: 12-30 V dc; Housing: Polycarbonate; IP67 IP69K
    Input: PNP (NC); Colors: Green Red Blue
    8-pin M12 Integral QD

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