Todas las Soluciones para Estaciones de Trabajo
Call for Pickup from an Assembly Station to an AGV
Call for Pickup from an Assembly Station to an AGV
• Remove completed pallets from assembly stations quickly • Enable direct communication from assembly stations to AGVs • Improve process efficiency using turnaround time data to
Assembly Timer at Busy Work Station
Assembly Timer at Busy Work Station
K50 Pro touch buttons with IO-Link communication display takt time within workers' sightlines so that the assembly pace stays on track and meets production goals.
Lectura de Código de Barras
Lectura de Código de Barras
Los lectores de códigos de barras de la serie ABR se pueden usar para resolver aplicaciones de rastreo y rastreo, ofreciendo una mayor resolución para leer códigos más pequeños, en un área objetivo más grande y a mayores distancias. La polarización ahora está disponible en los modelos ABR 7000 de 1.3 MP y 2 MP para un mejor rendimiento en objetivos con superficies reflectantes o donde hay deslumbramiento. La VE es nuestra cámara de mayor resolución, también disponible en modelos de lectura de código único, así como en el modelo original de cámara de visión. Esto hace que nuestra Serie VE sea el lector de códigos de barras de mayor resolución de nuestra cartera, diseñado para resolver mejor las aplicaciones más complejas.
Pick-to-Light Solutions
Pick-to-Light Solutions
Several technologies and solutions are available for bin-picking applications for error-proofing processes. Light arrays prompt the operator for part selection with integral job lights, then reliably sense retrieval of the part, using an array of visible red or infrared sensing beams located in front of the bin.
Part Pick Verification for Large Bins
Part Pick Verification for Large Bins
To reduce the risk of error in an assembly operation, a one-piece EZ-LIGHT PVD pick-to-light sensor is placed on the top rail of a shelf, looking down on the shelf opening. The PVD is interfaced with a process controller that is programmed to illuminate the PVD on the bin to pick. After the PVD detects that the assembler's hand has entered and left the bin, the controller signals the PVD on the next bin to pick.
Part Pick Indication for Small Bins
Part Pick Indication for Small Bins
To reduce the risk of error in an assembly operation, a one-piece EZ-LIGHT PVD pick-to-light sensor with a 400 mm range is interfaced with a process controller programmed with the correct assembly sequence. The controller makes the PVDs light up in the correct order, to show the assembler which part to pick. After the PVD detects that the assembler's hand has entered and left the bin, the controller signals the PVD of the next bin in the pick sequence to light up.
Bin Picking for Order Fulfillment
Bin Picking for Order Fulfillment
In a book packing warehouse, the rack above each carton of books is equipped with a one-piece EZ-LIGHT PVD pick-to-light sensor. A worker fills orders by selecting the quantity of each book specified on the packing slip. To make it easier for the worker to find the cartons from which to pick books, the PVDs above those cartons are illuminated. The PVD detects the workers hand in the carton to verify that the title was picked.
Iluminación LED de Alta Calidad para Estaciones de Trabajo
Iluminación LED de Alta Calidad para Estaciones de Trabajo
La barra de Luz Industrial WLB32 de Banner es ideal para estaciones de trabajo. Con un interruptor Hi/Lo/Off, los operadores pueden controlar el nivel de iluminación e incluso apagar la barra de Luz LED cuando hayan terminado. La WLB32 proporciona a los trabajadores iluminación brillante con una salida de luz uniforme que permite realizar numerosas tareas en una estación de trabajo, incluso trabajar en una computadora.