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  • Wireless Vibration Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance Solutions

    Monitor machine health utilizing predictive maintenance by continuously monitoring for vibration and temperature changes. A wireless vibration and temperature monitoring system, combined with a machine learning algorithm, creates a simple check engine light by establishing the machine’s vibration baseline and automatically setting warning and alarm thresholds.

    Learn More About the Wireless Monitoring Products

    QM30VT Vibration Sensor
    QM30VT 진동 센서

    QM30VT 시리즈 진동 및 온도 센서는 장비 상태와 성능의 매우 미세한 변화도 감지할 수 있는 탁월한 수준의 정밀도를 제공하므로 잠재적인 문제를 조기에 확인할 수 있습니다.

    Product Details
    산업용 무선 컨트롤러: DXM 시리즈
    산업용 무선 컨트롤러: DXM 시리즈

    DXM 시리즈 컨트롤러는 Banner의 무선 통신 장치, 셀룰러 및 이더넷 연결 기능과 로컬 I/O를 통합하여 IIoT(산업 사물인터넷) 플랫폼을 제공합니다.

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    Video Transcript

    A variety of machines keep modern factories producing goods around the clock.

    How much lost production would you suffer if one of your machines failed unexpectedly?

    Stay a step ahead of your machines by continuously monitoring them with Banner's wireless vibration monitoring and predictive maintenance solutions.

    Because they are wireless, it doesn't matter how difficult it is to get to your machines.

    With battery-powered nodes and wireless connectivity, you will know the condition of your machines and be able to address potential issues no matter where they are located.

    Banner's vibration monitoring solutions range from a simple check engine light of critical vibration parameters, to collecting data on a variety of vibration characteristics so that an even more in-depth analysis can be performed on the machines being monitored.

    With a Banner Engineering vibration sensor, combined with a wireless node and a DXM wireless controller running our proprietary machine learning algorithm, it will analyze and learn from your machine's vibration level.

    It can even tell when your machine is running or not.

    It will then establish the vibration baseline of the machine, and automatically set warning and alarm thresholds.

    It will alert you when your machine begins acting strange, so you can schedule maintenance when it has the smallest impact on production.

    Monitor your machines, detect problems early, and avoid costly unplanned downtime with Banner's wireless vibration monitoring and predictive maintenance solutions.

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