Order Fulfillment with Pick-to-Light
Improve Customer Satisfaction with Fast, Accurate Order Fulfillment
Order fulfillment refers to the process of receiving, processing, and delivering orders to end customers. A critical step in this process is ensuring that orders are picked from the shelves correctly and efficiently.
Quick, accurate picking increases customer satisfaction by ensuring that customers receive the correct item(s) on time. Banner Engineering offers a variety of light-guided picking solutions to match your application.
Getting the Right Order On Time Has Never Been More Challenging, or More Critical
In the age when almost anything can be delivered directly to a customer's doorstep, reliable order fulfillment systems are a must. Customers expect their orders to be correct and be delivered quickly—sometimes in as little as a few hours.
Fulfilling large volumes of orders quickly, especially with a high mix of inventory and little margin for error, can be extremely challenging. Fully manual processes are prone to human error; however, light-guided order picking is a cost-effective solution that helps workers quickly and accurately identify the correct order.
Choose a Versatile, Scalable Solution
- For larger scale applications, a pick-to-light solution must feature fast response speeds to accommodate many pick points without lags.
- The new PTL110 pick-to-light devices from Banner are powered by PICK-IQ™, a purpose-built, Modbus compatible serial bus protocol that uses a Common ID to reduce the typical latency that results from polling multiple devices.
- A fast response speed at scale is ideal for fulfillment stations that require many pick points while maintaining a rapid pace to exceed productivity targets.
Put-To-Light Solutions Reduce Errors Downstream
- Picking activities are only effective if the right inventory is in place and ready to be picked.
- Because of this, fulfillment centers require an efficient method for putting inventory on the shelves so that orders will be easily accessible during fulfillment.
- Put-to-light solutions improve the efficiency and accuracy of stocking activities and can help prevent downtime by reducing delays due to misplaced or incorrect orders.

Optical Sensors Verify Pick Accuracy
- Pick-to-light devices with optical sensing capabilities can be used to check picks for accuracy in real time.
- These devices detect when a hand reaches into a shelf to pick a package and breaks the sensing beam or array.
- When picks are executed correctly, yellow LEDs confirm that the operator picked from the right location on the shelf.
- If the operator reaches into an incorrect shelf, a light turns red indicating an error.
Scalable, Versatile Pick-To-Light Devices
PTL110 Pick-to-Light 장치는 터치 버튼, 광학 센서 및 세 자리 디스플레이를 위한 옵션을 갖춘 다기능 표시등으로, 직렬로 연결되어 강력한 피킹 시스템을 구성합니다. 빠른 응답 시간과 유연한 설치 옵션을 갖춘 PTL110 시스템은 피킹, 키팅 및 관련 응용 분야에서 속도, 생산성 및 품질을 향상시킵니다.
- 광학 터치 센서 기능을 갖춘 모델로 제공됩니다.
- 선택적 3자리 영숫자 디스플레이를 사용하면 부품 개수를 표시하거나 다른 지침을 제공할 수 있습니다.
- M12 커넥터를 사용하면 추가 케이블이 없어도 여러 장치를 안전하고 빠르게 설치할 수 있습니다.
- 이 표시등은 14가지 색상 및 여러 애니메이션 기능을 제공해다양한 상태를 구분합니다.
- PICK-IQ™는 여러 장치를 폴링하는 데에서 발생하는 일반적인 지연을 단축하기 위해 공통 ID를 사용하도록 특별히 개발된 Modbus 호환 직렬 버스 프로토콜입니다.
- DXM700 무선 컨트롤러와 연결해 카트 및 이동식 피킹 스테이션에 배치할 수 있습니다.
Pick-to-Light Devices
Pick-to-Light Devices
K50 터치의 소형 버전인 K30 터치 시리즈는 밝은 표시등과 고체형 상태 전환 기능이 결합되어 있습니다.
- 인체 공학적 디자인으로 손과 손목에 가해지는 스트레스를 방지하고 작동 시 물리적 압력이 필요 없음
- 손가락 터치로 간단한 작동
- 맨손으로 또는 작업용 장갑을 끼고 쉽게 작동
- 고압 세척 환경에서 사용할 수 있는 견고하고 완벽하게 캡슐화된 IP69K 구조
- 다양한 업계의 pick-to-light 및 호출 버튼 응용 분야에 이상적
- 다양한 응용 분야에 적합한 1색 및 2색 모델