Long Bin Pick-to-Light

Long Bin Pick-to-Light Image

Application: Pick indication on long bins

Challenges: Bin extends beyond the front of the shelf

Solution: EZ-LIGHT PVA Pick-to-Light Sensor

Benefits: Can be mounted with swivel brackets  that extend beyond shelf

Lights can be useful in operation settings in order to prevent errors from occurring. It can be difficult to provide pick-to-light sensing for bins that extend beyond the front of the shelf.


The EZ-LIGHT PVA pick-to-light sensors provide a reliable error-proofing solution for various operation systems. The light indicates to assemblers which items to pick and in which order to pick them.

The PVA pick-to-lights come in 4 different lengths in order to fit a variety of bins. They can also be mounted with swivel brackets that allow the sensors to extend beyond the rack, accommodating bins that are deeper than the shelf.

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