Improving Production with Pick-to-Light Systems

Improving Production with Pick-to-Light Systems Image

Application: Error-proof picking and assembly processes

Challenges: Limited space for wiring

Solution: Wireless Gateways and Nodes and the K50 Series Illuminated Touch Buttons

Benefits: Wireless products eliminate the need for cables and can be easily moved as needs change

SureCross Wireless Nodes and Gateways orchestrate Banner EZ-LIGHT pick-to-light sensing systems to eliminate human error from parts picking and assembly processes.

A Banner wireless network offers the ability to quickly implement, move, expand, and refine processes as your needs change. The SureCross system was designed to seamlessly integrate into any facility, including those applying lean manufacturing principles where efficient deployment and operation is required.


A Banner wireless solution is a simple way to optimize inventory, reduce errors, and minimize waste. Each SureCross Performance Node with I/O Mapping can be equipped with up to six EZ-LIGHT operator indicator lights. The SureCross Gateway is conveniently located at a central location where maintenance personnel and management can monitor the parts consumption throughout the site.

The PLC sends a signal that illuminates a Banner EZ-LIGHT to indicate from which bin a part should be selected. The line operator selects a part and pushes a button on the EZ-LIGHT, which confirms to the controller that the correct part has been picked.

Up to 47 Nodes can communicate with each Gateway, ensuring simplified scalability. Existing PLCs and other equipment can interface with the wireless network using the communication output on the Gateway or integrated I/O. A SureCross Wireless Network is the key for legacy manufacturing facilities to align with lean production principles. 

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