Tank Level Monitoring

Tank Level Monitoring

Application: Monitor levels inside storage tanks

Challenges: Multiple storage tanks in remote and hard-to-reach locations

Solution: K50U Ultrasonic Sensors and Q45U Wireless Nodes paired with a DXM Wireless Controller

Benefits: Remote monitoring of up to 16 tanks from a central or mobile location


Using K50U Ultrasonic Sensors and Q45U Wireless Nodes paired to a DXM Wireless Controller, we can develop a wireless monitoring system for multiple tank level measurements that is easy to set up, interpret the results, and monitor locally and through a cloud-based system. The temperature-compensated system can report and send alarms on user-specified levels locally via outputs to lights and relays, or via emails and text messages using a single K50U sensor per tank. Information can be sent to the cloud using either the internal cellular module or by connecting to the local area network (LAN) with an Ethernet cable directly to the DXM Wireless Controller.

Features and Benefits

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