LED Lights Illuminate Control Cabinet [Success Story]

LED Lights Illuminate Control Cabinet Image
LED Lights Illuminate Control Cabinet Image

WLB32 industrial LED light bars are daisy-chained together in pairs and installed vertically, facing the machine system to illuminate the control cabinet

Customer Requirements: Versatile control cabinet illumination

Solution: WLB32 industrial LED light bar 

Why Banner? Superior Illumination – 120° beam angle concentrates and directs light, producing vivid illumination throughout the cabinet
Ease of Installation – Magnetic mounting brackets simplified installation and provided tremendous deployment flexibility

Customer Benefits

Flexibility – Available AC or DC powered models allow the company to standardize on the WLB32 design, selecting the power variant most suitable for each machine build


An equipment manufacturer builds test and measurement machinery for the auto industry. Operators access machine systems through the control cabinet. Intense illumination of the cabinet facilitates machine maintenance and management. Multiple AC powered fluorescent light fixtures had been used for this task.


Spatial constraints inside the control cabinet necessitated that the fluorescent light fixtures be mounted to the cabinet ceiling, away from machine systems and controls. Illumination was inconsistent throughout the cabinet and was insufficient in some areas. To power the light fixtures, an AC circuit had to be built into each DC powered machine, adding time, expense and complexity into the build cycle.


The company chose to standardize cabinet illumination on Banner’s WLB32 industrial LED light bars. These ultra-bright LED lights provide superior illumination to and are price comparable with the fluorescent light fixtures they replaced.

Four 570 mm WLB32 light bars were installed into each machine’s control cabinet. Pairs of lights were daisy-chained together and deployed contiguous to the cabinet entry. The magnetic mounting brackets simplified installation and made altering light position easy. Each light pair was mounted vertically, facing the system controls. This ensures an even distribution of light from the bottom of the cabinet to the top.

The availability of AC or DC powered WLB32 LED light bars provides the company with tremendous flexibility. To streamline the design and build of new machines, DC powered variants can be installed, eliminating the need for an AC circuit. To update and improve existing machines, AC powered lights can replace fluorescent fixtures.

Unlike fluorescent lights, WLB32 LED light bars will never require bulb or ballast replacements. They offer more than 50,000 hours of operational life, providing the equipment end user with years of maintenance-free cabinet illumination.

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