Condition Monitoring for Predictive and Preventive Maintenance

Machine Vibration Monitoring  Image

Application: Monitor machine vibration to identify potential issues and prevent failures 

Challenges: Detecting slight changes in performance from multiple machines with rotating motion. 

Accessing information in real-time from machines in remote and hard-to-access locations.

Solution: QM30VT Vibration and Temperature Sensors, Q45VTP Wireless Sensor Nodes, and a DXM Wireless Controller

Customer Benefits

Reduced Maintenance Cost: Early identification of potential problems allows companies to schedule full spectrum vibration analysis and other service before equipment fails or is seriously damaged.

Increased Uptime: Collected data can be used to create more reliable service schedules and reduce unplanned shut-downs caused by machine failures.

Ease of Use: Wireless system enables communication with remote and hard-to-access equipment without the hassle or expense of running wire to each device. A machine learning algorithm makes it easy to establish baseline values and set control limits for alerts.

Machine Vibration: An Early Indicator of Potential Problems

Machine vibration is often caused by imbalanced, misaligned, loose, or worn parts. As vibration increases, so can damage to the machine. By monitoring motors, pumps, compressors, fans, blowers, and gearboxes for increases in vibration, problems can be detected before they become too severe and cause additional damage or result in unplanned downtime.

Monitoring Assets and Accessing Data

A QM30VT Vibration and Temperature sensor paired with a Q45VTP Wireless Sensor Node enables remote monitoring of machine health for rotating assets, such as motors, pumps, compressors, fans, blowers, and gearboxes.

The sensor installs easily onto a machine using standard or magnetic brackets or two-sided thermal transfer mounting tape. Using the default setting, the QM30VT will measure the temperature and RMS velocity of the machine. This information is sent by the Q45VTP Wireless Sensor Node to a DXM Wireless Controller.

Establishing a Baseline of Performance

Each motor has its own vibration characteristics and requires a unique baseline measurement. The DXM Wireless Controller uses a machine learning algorithm provided by Banner Engineering to establish a baseline of performance unique to each machine and to set control limits for alerts. If limits are exceeded, the DXM will alert staff via email or text. Additionally, the Q45VTP Node has an onboard LED light which can provide local indication of an alert. A signal can also be sent to a wireless TL70 Tower Light which will provide high-visibility indication of the change in status.

Extending Equipment Life

This solution acts as a Check Engine Light for rotating equipment. Potential problems are identified early on, before serious damage can occur. The data collected allows companies to better plan service and maintenance and extend the life of their equipment.


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