Pulse Pro I/O
Visually Communicate Detailed Information
Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) is a way to digitally represent an analog measurement value from a sensor. Banner Engineering’s Pulse Pro I/O technology simplifies the connection between the sensor and an indicator or controller. Pulse Pro I/O solves a wide variety of applications and localizes clear information for fast visibility and response.
Measure Distance Without An Analog Sensor
Pulse Pro I/O sends digital pulses that are proportionally scaled across the measuring span on the sensor. This allows users to use a high-quality digital input card on their PLC to determine the measured distance. The sensor will indicate a loss of signal between the sensor and target, providing additional information to customers about target presence and absence. Pulse Pro I/O’s digital signal has increased immunity from electrical noise interference, a common problem of analog transmissions over long cable runs, so it does not require shielded cabling.
Reduce Downtime and Operator Error
Reduce costly, unplanned downtime with compatible Banner lights that assist operators with high-visibility, at-a-glance operator guidance and status indication. The unmistakable illumination streamlines factory communication by promoting faster response to status changes and reduces the risk of costly mistakes and accidents. For example, the TL50 Pro tower light shows material level so that reloads or unloads can be handled timely and efficiently. Additionally, WLS27 Pro strip lights show separation distance between moving equipment like AGVs.
Complete Plug-and-Play Solution
Utilize technology compatible with a wide and expanding range of Banner’s smart sensors. The range of products used for Pulse Pro I/O solutions allows users to create a solution that meets the needs of any application. The PFM output is available on select Q4X, Q5X, and LTF series IO-Link models. Sensors indicate long-, mid-, and short-ranges that can be seen across the factory floor. Users can visualize incremental changes in precision applications or direct operators of large machines and equipment.
펄스 주파수 변조(PFM)는 센서에서 전달되는 아날로그 측정치를 디지털로 표현하는 한 가지 방법입니다. Banner Engineering의 Pulse Pro I/O 기술은 센서와 표시기 또는 컨트롤러 사이의 연결을 간소화하는 기술입니다. Pulse Pro I/O는 광범위한 적용 분야에 대응하며, 명확한 정보를 국지화하여 빠른 가시성과 응답을 제공합니다.
Compatible Products
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