일체형 부품 검증 어레이 Pick-to-Lights: PVD 시리즈



  • 특허 출원 중인 사용하기 쉬운 센서는 다수의 부품 조립, pick-to-light 및 오류 교정 응용 분야에 적합합니다.
  • 일체형 자기제어 센서로 컨트롤러가 필요 없습니다.
  • 센서는 응용 분야에 따라 자동으로 확산 모드 또는 역반사 모드 중 하나로 작동합니다.
  • 공급 전압은 12~30V DC입니다.
  • 출력은 DIP 스위치를 사용하여 NPN 또는 PNP를 선택할 수 있습니다.
  • 설정 및 조정은 자동으로 처리됩니다.
  • 넓은 빔 패턴으로 정렬이 간단합니다.
  • 대형 녹색 작업 조명이 사용자 작업을 시작하고 오류를 나타낼 때 작업 조명은 빨간색으로 켜집니다.
  • 두 가지 길이로 공급되므로 기존의 용기 크기와 구성에 적합합니다.


기술 문헌

PVD Series Parts Verification Sensors
7 Jan 2021

마케팅 자료

Cost-Effective Pallet Detection Solution for Conveyance Equipment
9 Jan 2013
Customized PVD sensor solves  part-out application
27 Sep 2012
Pallet Detection for Conveyance Equipment
Pallet Detection for Conveyance Equipment

A leading manufacturer of conveying equipment designs and builds high-quality, low-cost conveyance solutions. The pallet equipment they develop is expected to reliably convey, palletize and depalletize thousands of pallets and unit loads annually. This equipment must be able to sense a wide range of different pallet types and sizes to ensure the proper packing and unpacking of pallets and avoid line slow-downs, pallet crashes and collapses.

자세히 알아보기
Detecting Parts Ejected from Die [Success Story]
Detecting Parts Ejected from Die [Success Story]

In the manufacturer's facility, operators manually insert and remove metal parts from the die press. When complete, the parts are sent into a bin via a metal chute. In order to prevent die crash (having double parts in the press at once) the customer needed a sensor that could detect various parts on the chute and send a signal to the control system, indicating that the press is free and allowing the operator to perform another stroke. The solution needed to be installed without cutting slots in the chute sides or mounting sensors at the end of the chute, which could create catch points for traveling parts.

자세히 알아보기
Accurate Pallet Detection
Accurate Pallet Detection

Banner’s PVD100 is a custom-made solution that accurately detects pallets without adjustments, even when features are inconsistent. This easy-to-use, versatile light screen has a wide beam pattern, making alignment simple. With a compact design, it can easily be embedded into a machine or directly on the line. The PVD100 light screen sensing solution has a detection height of 100 mm and a scanning range of 2 m. It has highly visible red and green LED lighting to display operation and indicate

자세히 알아보기
Moveable Bracket
Moveable Bracket

The optional bracket for a one-piece EZ-LIGHT PVD pick-to-light sensor makes it possible to detach the sensor and snap it onto a different rack.

자세히 알아보기
주문 이행: 넓은 선반
주문 이행: 넓은 선반

각각의 넓은 선반에 재귀반사 모드의 일체형 EZ-LIGHT PVD Pick To Light가 장착되어 있고, 범위는 최대 2m입니다. PVD가 작업자가 배송할 지도를 선택할 용기를 비춥니다.

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주문 이행을 위한 용기 선별
주문 이행을 위한 용기 선별

책 포장 창고에는 각각의 책 상자 위의 선반에 일체형 EZ-LIGHT PVD pick-to-light 센서가 장착되어 있습니다. 작업자는 포장 명세서에 지정된 각 책의 수량을 선택하여 주문을 입력합니다. 작업자가 책을 선별한 상자를 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 해당 상자 위의 PVD가 밝게 표시됩니다. PVD는 상자에서 작업자 손을 감지하여 제목이 선택되었는지 확인합니다.

자세히 알아보기
Pick-to-Light 솔루션
Pick-to-Light 솔루션

Several technologies and solutions are available for bin-picking applications for error-proofing processes. Light arrays prompt the operator for part selection with integral job lights, then reliably sense retrieval of the part, using an array of visible red or infrared sensing beams located in front of the bin.

자세히 알아보기
대형 용기에서 부품 선별 확인
대형 용기에서 부품 선별 확인

조립 작업 시 오류 발생 위험을 줄이기 위해 일체형 EZ-LIGHT PVD Pick To Light 센서는 선반 상단 레일에 장착되어 선반 개구부를 위에서 살펴봅니다. PVD는 부품을 선별할 용기에 장착된 PVD를 비추도록 프로그래밍이 된 공정 컨트롤러와 접속합니다. PVD가 조립자의 손이 용기 속으로 들어왔다가 나가는 것을 감지한 후 컨트롤러는 부품을 선별할 다음 용기의 PVD에 신호를 보냅니다.

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작업자 안내 솔루션
작업자 안내 솔루션

A Henshaw customer manufactures drivetrain and powertrain systems for the automotive industry. The company had experienced productivity losses due to errors in the assembly of transmission valve bodies. Henshaw was tasked with developing a system that would reduce errors and improve the assembly process.

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제품 선택
로딩 중...

결과 범위 좁히기

모든 필터 지우기

Sensing Array Length (mm)

  • (9)
  • (9)


  • (4)
  • (4)
  • (10)

Cable Length (m)

  • (7)
  • (3)
  • (3)
모두 보기 간단히 보기
선택한 필터
  1. PVD100Q

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    100 mm 4 channel; Range; up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    2 m 5-pin M12 Pigtail QD

  2. PVD225Q

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    225 mm 8 channel; Range; up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    2 m 5-pin M12 Pigtail QD

  3. PVD100

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    100 mm 4 channel; Range; up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

  4. PVD225

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    225 mm 8 channel; Range; up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

  5. PVD100Q W/6IN

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    100 mm 4 channel; Range; up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    150 mm 5-pin M12 Pigtail QD

  6. PVD225MA1Q W/6IN

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    225 mm 8 channel; Range: up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD
    Modified for Automotive; See Literature Insert

  7. PVD100MA1Q W/6IN

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    100 mm 4 channel; Range: up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD
    Modified for Automotive; See Literature Insert

  8. PVD100 W/30

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    100 mm 4 channel; Range; up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    9 m (30 ft) Integral Cable

  9. PVD225 W/30

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    225 mm 8 channel; Range; up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    9 m (30 ft) Integral Cable

  10. PVD225Q W/6IN

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    225 mm 8 channel; Range; up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    150 mm 5-pin M12 Pigtail QD

  11. PVD225QPMA29

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    225 mm 8 channel; Range: up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    5-pin M12 2 m (6.5 ft) PUR Pigtail QD
    Modified for Automotive; See Literature Insert

  12. PVD100QMA15

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    100 mm 4 beams; Retroreflective Range: up to 2 m, Diffuse; up to 400 mm
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    5-pin M12 2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Pigtail QD

  13. PVD100QNA

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    100 mm 4 channel; Range: up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD
    Custom Settings; See Literature Insert

  14. PVD100QPMA15

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    100 mm 4 beams; Retroreflective Range: up to 2 m, Diffuse; up to 400 mm
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Selectable NPN/PNP
    150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PUR Pigtail QD

  15. PVD100QPMA29

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    100 mm 4 channel; Range: up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    5-pin M12 2 m (6.5 ft) PUR Pigtail QD
    Modified for Automotive; See Literature Insert

  16. PVD225QMA15

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    225 mm 8 beams; Retroreflective Range
    up to 2 m; Diffuse; up to 400 mm
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    5-pin M12 2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Pigtail QD

  17. PVD225QNA

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    225 mm 8 channel; Range: up to 2 m
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
    150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD
    Modified for Automotive; See Literature Insert

  18. PVD225QPMA19

    logo with r symbol

    PVD Series: Parts Verification
    225 mm 8 beams; Retroreflective Range; up to 2 m, Diffuse; up to 400 mm
    Input: 12-30 V dc
    Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP

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