S15L 시리즈
인라인 센서 상태 표시기
- 녹색으로 전원을, 노란색 또는 빨간색으로 출력 상태를 표시하는 2색 표시기 선택 가능
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- 본체가 눈에 잘 띄므로 작업자가 문제를 더 빠르게 파악하고 해결할 수 있음
- 혹독한 산업 환경을 견딜 수 있는 신뢰성 높고 견고한 오버몰드 디자인
기술 문헌
마케팅 자료
Application Notes
이중 출력 상태 표시
The S15L Series In-Line Sensor Status Indicator is a two color indicator light that indicates power and output status. Its inline connection, over-molded design and bright indication create a cost-effective solution that can be applied to most 4- or 5-pin devices with an output.
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S15L Series: 2-Color In-Line Sensor Status Indicator
Voltage: 10-30 V dc; Housing: Polyurethane; IP67
Input: PNP; Colors: Green Yellow
Male-Female 4-pin M12 Integral QD -
S15L Series: 2-Color In-Line Sensor Status Indicator
Voltage: 10-30 V dc; Housing: Polyurethane; IP67
Input: PNP; Colors: Yellow Green
Male-Female 4-pin M12 Integral QD -
S15L Series: 2-Color In-Line Sensor Status Indicator
Voltage: 10-30 V dc; Housing: Polyurethane; IP67
Input: PNP; Colors: Red Green
Male-Female 4-pin M12 Integral QD -
S15L Series: 2-Color In-Line Sensor Status Indicator
Voltage: 10-30 V dc; Housing: Polyurethane; IP67
Input: PNP; Colors: Green Red
Male-Female 4-pin M12 Integral QD -
S15L Series: 2-Color In-Line Sensor Status Indicator
Voltage: 10-30 V dc; Housing: Polyurethane; IP67
Input: PNP; Colors: Green Yellow
Male-Female 3-pin M8 Integral QD -
S15L Series: 2-Color In-Line Sensor Status Indicator
Voltage: 10-30 V dc; Housing: Polyurethane; IP67
Input: NPN; Colors: Green Yellow
Male-Female 3-pin M8 Integral QD -
S15L Series: 2-Color In-Line Sensor Status Indicator
Voltage: 10-30 V dc; Housing: Polyurethane; IP67
Input: PNP; Colors: Green Red
Male-Female 3-pin M8 Integral QD -
S15L Series: 2-Color In-Line Sensor Status Indicator
Voltage: 10-30 V dc; Housing: Polyurethane; IP67
Input: PNP; Colors: Green Yellow
Male-Female 4-pin M8 Integral QD