조명식 스위치
Banner offers several sealed, capacitive touch switches that can be connected in-line with many types of DC devices for on/off and PWM control.
최적의 액세서리를 선택하여 응용 분야 솔루션에 다기능성을 더할 수 있습니다. Banner는 설치를 간소화하고 성능을 최적화하는 데 유용한 광범위한 스위치와 전원 공급장치를 공급합니다.
Banner offers several sealed, capacitive touch switches that can be connected in-line with many types of DC devices for on/off and PWM control.
Ideal for DC-powered task lights, indicators, or tower lights, mechanical switches from Banner include inline rocker switches, motion detectors, and PWM controllers.
Choosing the best accessories adds versatility to application solutions. Banner offers a wide selection of switches and power supplies for simple installation and optimal performance.