모든 반도체 솔루션

  1. 반도체 공장은 2km 길이의 공정 배관 시스템을 따라 가공 공장 내의 여러 지점에서 온도, 상대 습도 및 산소 수준을 모니터링해야 합니다. 온도, 상대 습도 및 산소 수준을 모니터링하고 모니터링 지점 위치를 제공하며 모든 데이터를 중앙 지점에 수집하고 SCADA 시스템과 상호 작용하는 솔루션이 필요합니다. 이 솔루션은 모든 직원에게 효율적이고 안전한 작업 환경을 조성해야 합니다. 2km가 넘는 지하 터널 배관 시스템으로 모니터링 위치마다 케이블을 설치하는 것은 비용이 많이 듭니다.

  2. • 기계 성능 및 가동 시간에 영향을 미치는 심각한 문제로 발전하기 전에 사소한 문제를 식별합니다. • 원격 위치에서 환경 데이터에 액세스 • 문자 메시지 또는 이메일을 통해 작업자에게 심각한 상태 알림

  3. 효율성 및 출력을 최적화하기 위해 단일 웨이퍼 증착 장치에 있는 여러 FOUP의 진행 상황을 면밀하게 모니터링해야 합니다. 이러한 장치 가까이에서 타워 라이트의 밝은 불빛에 장시간 노출되는 작업자는 눈의 피로 때문에 신체 및 정신적 피로감을 느낄 수 있습니다. TL30 Basic 타워 라이트를 사용해 이러한 응용 분야의 문제를 해결하는 방법을 알아보려면 계속해서 읽어보십시오.

  4. Monitor leaks in your critical applications and receive real time alerts when they occur.

  5. In this application, machine operators require access to the wafer carrier station. The EZ-SCREEN ESD safety light curtain system is configured to safeguard the process and operator using emitters, receivers and mirrors to enclose three sides of the station. Safety light curtains allow quicker, easier access than physical barriers while preventing machine movement if the operator reaches into the hazardous zone.

  6. An SC10 Series safety controller replaces the functionality of three safety relays with one compact, cost-effective device offering intuitive operation and advanced capabilities.

  7. Illumination during photolithography processes is challenging because white light contains a percentage of blue wavelengths, which negatively affect photosensitive materials. The WLS15 strip lights switch between two colors for safe use during photolithography.

  8. Banner’s WLS27 are rugged LED strip lights specifically developed to provide brilliant, even illumination in challenging environments and compact spaces. They have a space-saving, aerodynamic design, are fully encapsulated in a protective shell, and come in a broad range of illumination color options. Machine designers can install WLS27 LED strip lights wherever they are best suited to illuminate a work area without making costly or time consuming modifications to the lights.

  9. A precise measurement solution is required to ensure that integrated circuit (IC) chips are present and oriented correctly in nests. Learn how the LM laser measurement sensor solves this application.

  10. Banner의 DF-G2를 대향 모드 PLIS-1 광섬유 4개와 연결해 작업자는 로봇 암의 엔드 이펙터 위에 웨이퍼가 올바르게 배치되어 있는지 확인해 웨이퍼가 챔버를 통과할 때 손상되지 않도록 할 수 있습니다.

  11. In the process of die bonding and wire bonding, lead frames are conveyed in a tall vertical cassette. To increase throughput, the cassettes are inspected to determine if a lead frame is present in each slot. Because the lead frame can be as thin as 0.1 mm, it can be difficult to sense. The VS1 convergent sensor easily senses this thin profile, as well as non-reflective plastic ball grid arrays (PBGA).

  12. PicoDot sensors are positioned to sense the edge of the same wafer at the same time. If only one sensor detects a wafer edge, that wafer is most likely inserted at an angle, or cross slotted.

  13. The fibers of the D10 Expert sensor move along the stack of wafers in the cassette, mapping which slots are occupied and which are empty. The bargraph displays the sensor's status.

  14. A semiconductor company requested a sensor to detect breakage of very fine wire during assembly to eliminate unscheduled downtime.

  15. The lead frame of an integrated circuit moves on a U-shaped channel toward the cassette that holds multiple frames. The D10 Expert Analog/Discrete sensor detects the leading and trailing edge, to signal to the cassette that the lead frame is approaching. The sensor operates in the opposed mode, because large differences in reflectivity of frame materials make diffuse sensing impossible.

  16. The bussable power feature of the D10 Expert allows for up to 16 sensors to be wired together and powered through one power supply, reducing the amount of wiring required and making it possible to use multiple sensors without needing multiple connection points. Space can be further conserved by mounting the sensors together on a DIN rail, utilizing fiber optics to monitor multiple inspection points in a confined space.

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