Banner Engineering Receives Gold LEAP Award for DXMR90-X1 Industrial Controller
Industrial automation manufacturer Banner Engineering announced its DXMR90-X1 smart industrial controller has received Gold in the Industrial Automation category at the 2022 Leadership in Engineering Achievement Program (LEAP) Awards.
Simplifying integration of existing sensors and legacy equipment into modern control systems: Banner Engineering’s DXMR90-X1 Industrial Controller was awarded Gold in Industrial Automation at the 2022 LEAP Awards.
The DXMR90-X1 is a primary component of Banner Engineering’s Snap Signal product series, an overlay system that harvests data from legacy products and other devices, regardless of signal type or manufacturer. Data is processed at the edge, converted to common Industrial Ethernet protocols, and sent where it’s needed. The DXMR90-X1 provides a simple and cost-effective way to connect existing sensors and devices without requiring expensive retrofits, overhauls, or equipment replacement. It also avoids switching everything over to the same ecosystem at great cost. With data provided by the DXMR90-X1, production line efficiency can be boosted by discovering and remedying choke points and other areas that hamper the line’s effectiveness. Real-time alerts allow better decision making and remote asset management.
“The DXMR90-X1 Industrial Controller … simplifies the integration of mature Modbus networked sensors into industrial networks such as Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP, and PROFINET,” wrote the competition judges. “The smaller footprint provides machine builders with more packaging and cabling options, reducing the time to assemble and connect existing equipment into modern control systems.”
Featuring a panel of judges composed of engineering industry professionals, the LEAP Awards honors the most innovative and forward-thinking products and services across the mechanical and electronic engineering space. It is sponsored by industry-leading publications Design World, Fluid Power World, EE World, and Fastener Engineering.
Learn more about the DXMR90-4K IO-Link Master on Banner’s website.
DXMR90 is a trademark or registered trademark of Banner Engineering Corp.
Banner Engineering designs and manufactures industrial automation products including sensors, smart IIoT and industrial wireless technologies, LED lights and indicators, measurement devices, machine safety equipment, as well as barcode scanners and machine vision. These solutions help make many of the things we use every day, from food and medicine to cars and electronics. A high-quality, reliable Banner product is installed somewhere around the world every 2 seconds. Headquartered in Minneapolis since 1966, Banner is an industry leader with more than 10,000 products, operations on five continents, and a world-wide team of more than 5,500 employees and partners. Our dedication to innovation and personable service makes Banner a trusted source of smart automation technologies to customers around the globe.